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No one has ever disrespected me. So this coldness that was coming off from this girl was refreshing compared to the girls following me in a mob. She was a fucking Solace. I liked her from the moment I lay eyes on her. She was a perfect match to me.

Cold, unfeeling, with just a touch of fire, it would collide well with me and I knew it. I almost outright laughed as she, Morana, held up a shooting star to my neck. Her placing was precise, with one flick, she would kill me. But I felt oddly nice at the thought of dying at this beauty.

Her makeup was really light, it was nothing compared to the girls caked in makeup following me like a stalker. I saw most of the girls looking at Morana with jealousy, oh they would most likely give her a hard time later on.

I wanted her, for the first time, I really wanted a girl. But my parents had arranged a marriage contract between us, and the Russian mafia princess. I know it seems weird to set a marriage up, but the truth is, it happened all the time. 

Blood connected made ties and allies. I knew I would win as she challenged me, but I went to the football practice anyway. When I saw her coming, I spoke with coldness. "You're late." She just came at me with a witty comment. "No. You're early." I slapped her thigh but she showed no interest. 

Then literally shoved a knife in my arm. I have never seen anyone brave enough to mock me, much less hurt me. But there was a first time for everything. "No one speaks to me like that." Was her only explanation, then she dropped all her weapons. "First blood wins." We both nod at that, then with "start" I lunge at her.

Catching her in the face, then flipped her legs out under her, well tried to, but she slides out of the way easily. Then punches me. I can say she has some nerve to do it. I can feel the impact from it and stagger back a little. But still, within seconds, I have her pinned.

Then, she surprises me, she gives a small feathery kiss to my neck, I feel a sharp sting after that but don't contemplate on it and hold her in a headlock. Morana smiles and I can see the blood coating her teeth. I put a hand to my neck, coming back with blood.

"You animal." I growl, I am actually surprised, no one has done this before. She just gives me the cold smile, "Thanks." Is all she says before gathering her stuff and blowing me a kiss. She disappears easily in the crowd of students. I almost smile at her stupidity.

No one. And I mean no one can beat me without consequences. I put a hand in my pocket, surprised to find a phone number with her name on it. It's no surprise though, when I can't find my phone. I smirk and walk to the next class, P.E. I have a feeling she will be there.

 I have a feeling she will be there

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p.s. clothes Leonardo usually wears.


How do you guys like the story so far??? Also does it make you want to tell Leonardo Morana, aka Artemis is actually the Russian mafia princess???

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