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This took quite some time to write XD


"Are you going to tell the team now?"

"Do you want us to?"

"I don't know... They have the right to know, for sure. They deserve the truth from and I want to come clean to them. But... I don't know how to even bring this topic up when they're absolutely clueless about it."


It sounds almost unfair.


But Tenma does make a point.

Something such as this isn't easy to bring up at all. Much less when the party you want to talk to have got zero knowledge on it.

Even so, none of the three blame the team for being oblivious.

Because as cliché as it sounds, Tenma has a near perfect poker face. And they all know it.

Tsurugi and Kidou are very much aware that if it wasn't for Yuuichi, they probably also wouldn't have caught on to what the brunet's going through this fast and who knows what would've happened then.

Maybe with time, they would've also fallen for Tenma's facade, just like the team, and dropped their suspicions.

It sounds pretty believable and Tenma knows this as well.

He knows it better than anyone else.

Ever since he was born, he was put under constant training to master his fakeness.

He was always taught to show others the side they wanted to see from a young age.

And so, with time, he has really come to create a nearly flawless mask.

And he knows it.

He doesn't blame his team for being oblivious.

He really doesn't.

Instead, he blames himself and the way his life was set up.

He wants to come clean to his teammates, he really does. But there's still an unkown fear that's still nagging at him, telling him that he can't risk it. That he can't take the chance at telling the truth, while risking the possibility of losing the loving and caring relationship he has cultivated with his team.

A bond that he has yearned for years

'It's not gonna happen. They won't leave me.'

That's what he tells himself and it's what his knowledge confirms him of.

Yet, the fear is still there.

But then, his mind goes back to the end of the Genei match and the words he said to Amagi...

"Fear is the worst enemy in life, senpai. It makes people think twice and sometimes, it ultimately makes people go with their second choice that wasn't even present in the beginning, which sometimes actually end up being the wrong one. Do you want to be that person who gets dominated by fear?"

'I won't get dominated.'

"I'll tell them next week." 

"What about tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow's Saturday, Tsurugi." Responded Tenma with a cheeky smirk, making the forward's face blush in embarrassment

"Then next week it is. We should all head back home now. The sun is setting and it's about to get dark." Commented Kidou as he caught sight of the beautiful sunset sky

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