You're not getting rid of us

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*peeks around the corner*

Am I safe?

Wattpad: Uk, you've been gone for quite some time now

That's because you, Wattpad, I don't like u no more. I hate the fact u are able to place more ads and generate money off of the chapters I publish.

What was the name of this again? Oh right, exploitation?

U make money off of my chapters which I have to make my brain work for in order to get done, just so u can use it to generate money for this app that is honestly no that much better than Ao3, which is completely free and honestly, provides much more than you do.

Suck it!


Minutes passed by and no one did anything. Actually, better said, no one found it in them to do anything.

Not Tenma, not the team. No one knew what to do.

Tenma's incapable of even registering the presence of his friends. While he's silently crying his pain away, his teammates, well... Needless to say, they're afraid of even moving a single muscle.

As much as they want to go up to Tenma and comfort him, none of them trust themselves enough to not act irrationally.

The story has disturbed them deeply, to the point that every single one of them - Shinsuke and Hayami included - now have a deep desire of wanting to end the lives of all those adults, who had a hand in Tenma's misfortune.

Some of them would be lying if they said they hadn't smelt something fishy going on.

Taking into account Tenma's maturity for his age, some of the wise words that have come out of his mouth and the responsibilities he's shouldered since the beginning of the Revolution - all the way to before they collectively found out about Resistance -, it doesn't come as a surprise that Tenma's past was not like that of a normal child.

Less he had a childhood unlike that of others, he wouldn't have turned out to be this way.

Some of the teammates had already caught onto this, though they never saw any signs that suggested for this matter to be discussed. After all, how would one even bring up such topic, especially when they believe it won't bring about happy memories for the other party?

Looking at it now, those same Raimon members deeply regret not having done so.

The tension in the room doesn't cease at all. It could quite literally be cut with a knife

"Minna... It's getting late now, perhaps you should all go home before it becomes dark." Said Tenma, finally breaking the ice. It seems that Mother Luck is at last having some pity on him and has decided to return the brunet's voice.

Looking out the window, the sun is indeed starting to set. The once orange tinted sky is now beginning to lose its colour.

How funny.

Even the sky's reflecting their feelings

"I'll ask Reo if he can arrange a transport for you all. Even if he can't, I'm sure at least Akira-san can."

Unable to look at his friends anymore, Tenma proceeds to grab his phone and start going through his contacts, in search of Reo's.

In the midst of this, he doesn't even realize his face is betraying him

"Stop that!"

"Hm? Shinsuke? What's wrong?"

"Stop with that face! How many more times do you intend on fooling us with that face!?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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