Chapter 2: Wrath

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I'm happy to announce that Pandora's Box is turning into a standalone smut-fic prequel to WTP with irregular updates. It's mainly porn but also kinda trying to show how they connected through their pain etc. Have fun <3

Way Down We Go — KALEO

Curtains and papers lifted and moved in the air as dark smoke swirled in the sombre chambers of the Academy of Unseen Arts. A few candles were lit, but apart from that, the room lay in empty darkness. Only a distinct, heavy smell of cigarettes and something alcoholic was in the air. Lilith scanned the surroundings in search of the woman who had called for her to come as soon as she could, but she was nowhere to be found.

She rolled her eyes.

If one called for someone this desperately, then one should at least be present when one came for them. Sometimes she didn't know why she even bothered, since her relationship with the High Priestess was more than confusing most of the time. It wasn't uncommon for them to sit down like one would for a business meeting, discussing Hell and coven politics. Sometimes they had more sincere talks—about their children. It was nice having someone understand the constant pain she's been in ever since Adam's passing. Zelda was the first person to even do so much as ask about it; all the others hadn't even brought the sudden disappearance of the infant up.

And of course, they would fuck. A lot.

At the same time, they never kissed outside of sex and hardly ever touched. Zelda didn't want to let her in, and Lilith didn't want to get attached. They'd shared a moment back then when Zelda had been drunk and she had been in the mood to blow off some steam. There wasn't much to it, really, aside from the fact that they benefited each other—a win-win situation.

With large, floating steps, Lilith sauntered through the quarters, deliberately touching all the precious items that would have a do-not-touch sign in any museum. It made her chuckle, imagining how Zelda's face would turn sour if she knew.

Looking around as she waited for the High Priestess, she kicked her over-knee boots to test them—a new acquisition of hers. She liked how they added a leathery touch to the short-front, long-back dress and secretly hoped Zelda would find it enticing too.

Examining the paintings adorning the high walls, Lilith found that they were mainly old things that she didn't know much about due to a lack of interest. The images she could create in people's minds were far more to her liking, and she had the freedom to get as gory as she wanted, although some of the old guys seemed to have had a thing for that as well.

What made her arch an eyebrow was the one behind the directrix' large rosewood desk, showing an unclothed woman with a reasonable amount of bottom and long chestnut curls cascading down her back, a snake wound around her. Unsure whether it was what she thought it was, she scooted closer and read the caption engraved in the antique frame at the bottom. Lilith wasn't surprised to find her name there, and she tutted in amusement. What a shame they were now worshipping Hecate. "The Church of Lilith" certainly had a nice ring to it. She carefully removed the painting from the wall and decided to confront Zelda about it, or rather, mock her.

When a significant amount of time had passed without a sign of the High Priestess in question, Lilith decided to take the matter into her own hands. Who needed decorum anyway? She was familiar with this part of the Academy. Not only from the time she had sought shelter here—she preferred not to think about this time too intensively—but also from the time she'd dealt regularly with this despicable excuse of a man that had been Faustus Blackwood.

However, Lilith had to admit that spying on him and hiding in the shadows had been quite fun. Shapeshifting, scheming about her deceptions, and playing hide and seek were the fun parts of being a demon, and she'd been able to make use of these abilities frequently.

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