Chapter 7: Gluttony

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Like a Prayer – Miley Cyrus (Live)

"I will certainly not let Sabrina be your consultant in Hell!" Zelda yelled, jumping up from her seat and gesturing wildly with a cigarette in hand. "As a matter of fact, I think this young lady should be nowhere near anything magical for a while!"

Though they were alone in the sitting room for their discussion about Sabrina's future role in Hell, Hilda could hear their argument in the kitchen. Rubbing a plate clean in the sink, she shook her head at the bickering that had been going on for half an hour at least.

"Oh, come on, High Priestess!" Lilith mocked, "She's been Queen of Hell before. Let her live a little!"

It also wasn't the first time this was happening. Quite the opposite; it was a regular occurrence that usually ended with either the pair suddenly disappearing or stumbling into Zelda's bedroom. Hilda chuckled to herself.

"Exactly, 'live' is the keyword here!" Zelda snapped back, stubbing her cigarette out while muttering sharply, "Honestly, Lilith. Sometimes I wonder if your ever manage to think further than the length of your crooked nose!"

Clenching her fists, Lilith stepped closer towards Zelda and shouted, "Whose nose are you calling crooked here, huh?!" Her jaw was tight, eyes narrowed, "You forget who you're talking to, Miss Spellman!"

Sabrina, who was just coming down the stairs and into the kitchen, had a concerned look on her face. She came up behind Hilda and asked, "What's up with them? They sound pretty angry..."

Patting her niece's hand with her own wet one, Hilda calmed, "Don't worry about them-"

Zelda's growl interrupted her, "I know very well. And what I also know is that you would be bored to death without something to toy with, isn't that right?"

"- I think it's like um... getting excited... for them..." Hilda whispered as if telling a secret, which left Sabrina only in confusion.

"Excited for what?"

"Oh-um... You know..." She raised her eyebrows at Sabrina, then wiggled them. When her niece still didn't seem to understand – either on purpose to tease her, or truly – Hilda blurted it out. "Okay, foreplay. I think it's like foreplay for them. For sex. You know?"

Sabrina broke into laughter about her prude little aunt and then they heard Lilith again.

"Oh, we can see about that, Zelda." Lilith stepped right in front of Zelda, eyes raking over her face with a dangerous twinkle in them. "What if I leave my pretty plaything alone for a while? How would she like that, hm?"

That was when both, Sabrina and Hilda, got a little uncomfortable, wishing the walls weren't so thin. The voices of the two women were progressively taking on a seductive undertone, and it just felt like something that wasn't meant for other people's ears.

Lilith's fingers trailed from Zelda's sternum to her neck, causing her to lift her chin and look down on the demoness, purring, "I'm sure she would be more than fine on her own."

The fingers on her throat wrapped around it without squeezing, thumbs caressing the skin there. "Is that so?" Lilith inquired, raising an eyebrow at Zelda as her nostrils flared with hot breaths.

The next moment, Lilith's hand fell from Zelda's throat, dropping to splay in the small of her back as she teleported them to hell, catching Zelda in a smooth motion as she lost balance upon the landing. Making use of the position, Lilith leaned down to greedily kiss the woman in her arms before bringing her back into an upright position.

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