Chapter 5: Greed

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Title chapter says it all. 14 k words of porn. This is nothing but filth and it progressively gets worse. Please don't take it too seriously.

Academy of Unseen Arts, Earth

Play with Fire (feat. Yacht Money) – Sam Tinnesz

Lilith had had two great loves in her life: Adam and Lucifer.

... And then there was this witch, who happened to have her face between her legs right at this moment. The one she couldn't figure out what to do with other than fuck her in every position known to witchkind. Zelda was about to give her a second orgasm tonight, greedily sucking on her swollen clit as her fingers were thrusting inside her. Ever since she'd recovered from her little trip to the Nether Realm, she seemed to be incredibly set on making it up to her.

"Oh yes, right there," Lilith groaned, pushing Zelda's face deeper into her sex, hand winding in her red hair.

Zelda's chuckle vibrated against her core, and Lilith arched up, kneading her own breast as she hooked a long leg around Zelda, pulling her even closer. A breathy moan escaped her as Zelda flicked her tongue left and right of her clit, then directly over it, sending a shiver through her heavily stimulated body.

Fingers drawing over her inner thighs, Zelda picked up the pace of her licks and sucks, kissing her clit, then pressing her fingertips against her walls. The sensual rhythm was agonising, gradually building her arousal but moving too languidly for her avid greed. Lilith was twisting in the luxurious sheets of the Academy's master bedroom, driven insane by waves of pleasure rising and falling by High Priestess Zelda Spellman's doing.

"Enough Zeld—" she was interrupted by Zelda's teeth on her clit and bit down on her lip. "Mh-I, make me come!"

Eager to please, Zelda sat up onto her heels, letting cool air hit Lilith's abundantly wet sex, and repositioned herself. As her fingers were sliding in and out of her, Zelda's other hand found Lilith's breast first, giving it a squeeze, and then she drew it over her stomach to press down just above her pubic mound. The thumb of her working hand found her clit, pressed, and moved in slow circles as her curled fingers were pumping faster, pushing firmer against her walls.

Lilith felt hot. So hot. Her body was combusting; the redness of her chest and face was evidence of her state. As much as she wanted to deny it, Lilith had no control left when Zelda was doing this to her. She was holding her pleasure, her relief, in her hands, and Lilith needed it desperately. Every thrust was bliss spreading through her chest; she wanted to hold Zelda's fingers inside and suck them in deeper. Her muscles were trying to do so, thereby prompting a smug grin to appear on Zelda's face.

"You're positively majestic when you're this close, my Queen," Zelda rasped, her own arousal palpable even without Lilith knowing about the wetness flowing out of her.

"Just you wait until you see me come," Lilith sighed, rocking her hips against Zelda's hand.

And Hecate was she right, Zelda thought. She could never get enough of seeing Lilith wrapped up in the pleasure of her orgasm; she could never get enough of giving her those. Scissoring her fingers inside, she stretched her open, and upon earning a surprised moan, she pressed down on her clit before repeating the process: scissor, push, and faster, and—

"Zeld-ah!" Lilith cried out and came undone with a strong arch of her back, eyes squeezed shut, her body tense for one, two, three seconds, and then it dropped into the sheets where she could pant it out.

Carefully, Zelda eased her fingers out and casually brought them to her mouth to clean up as she shifted to lay her head on Lilith's stomach. It was rising and falling quickly under her cheek, additionally shaken by the abdominal artery pumping fast. The skin was hot but also possessed this certain type of softness that only came from having gone through a pregnancy. Reminded of that and what she had said, guilt washed over her, dreading to spoil their bliss.

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