Day 1

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After they got their luggage settled, they (well Hitomi and Yamada) decided to go explore for a little.
Well, Hitomi knew that Ai had a crush on Shousuke. So she purposely left them alone.
Shousuke was wondering why Hitomi hadn't dragged him around to go explore with them. This was a surprise and a relief.

Shousuke did his usual things.
He Finished his homework. He played video games on his phone. And he slept.

Ai was nervous.
She wanted to ask Shousuke to go somewhere with her.
Shes no coward.

35 mins after

She couldn't bring herself to say it.
What should she say?
"Hey Shousuke! Lets go on a walk together!"
"Hey Shousuke. Go to the food stalls with me."
"Hey Shousuke.. lets go do some activities.."
She didn't know what to say.

She brought up all of her courage and..
'EEEP!! I JUST STUTTERED!! THAT WAS SO EMBARRASSING..' she screamed in her thoughts
Shousuke turned to look at her.
"Lets go walk around."
Shousuke just got up and started putting on his shoes.
'O.M.G. DID SHOUSUKE JUST ACCPET MY INVITE???' She screamed even louder in her thoughts.


'I-I-I can't believe I'm standing right next to Shousuke! He's so cool in every way...' Ai thought.
"Hey, let's go over there."
Ai pointed at a ramen food stand
Shousuke just started walking in that direction.

Food stand

"I'll get a beef ramen" Ai said to the food stand seller
"ill get one too." Shousuke said
Ai turned to look at Shousuke.
Her eyes were full of light.
'Does he.. like me back..?'
Shousuke didn't notice.
"HEYYY SHOUSUKE! AI!!" Hitomi shouted
"Hey Shousuke, hey Ai!" Yamada said while bowing
'Hitomi just had to ruin the moment!' Ai raged inside

"Hey Ai! Can we talk?" Hitomi said purely
"Whatever." Ai replied back
And followed Hitomi.
So it was now just Yamada and Shousuke waiting for their ramen.
Yamada was flustered and nervous to be eating with the prince of the school!

With Ai and Hitomi.
"Sooo.... How was it with Shousuke!"
Hitomi said while giving a smug face and bumping Ai's arm with her arm.
"W-what!!" Ai immediately squealed
"I could n-never like Shousuke!"
"Awe that's too bad.. I was gonna invite you to go to the beach with us! I guess since you don't li-"
"I'll go!" Ai shouted.
She was a bit embarrassed by this.
She was out of character.
"Ooooo!! So what does that mean??" Hitomi said with a smug face
"Ugh! It's because YOU kept annoying me! Whatever."
Ai said as she walked away.

Each night, they had to report to the teacher.
Of course Hitomi reported to the teacher.
"Hey guys!! You ready to go to the beach??" Hitomi said happily.
Only Yamada replied.


"Everyone got everything?" Hitomi asked
"Yes!" Yamada replied
"Whatever." Ai scoffed
Shousuke didn't reply.
It was already quite dark and late. About 10:30 pm?
Anyways, the view was magnificent and enchanting.
The dark blue skies with a tinge of black.
The water was a beauty too, the moon reflected on the clear dark waters.
There was no one at the beach. Except for them of course.
There was so many stars, they were all so visible as well.
"Wow!!" Hitomi said enchanted from the lovely view.
Everyone was enchanted from the view.
There was a soft breeze. It blew through Hitomi's hair slightly.
Shousuke turned his head and looked at Hitomi.
It seemed like the world had stopped for a spilt second.
Hitomi turned her head and looked at him aswell.
She just gave him a soft smile.
Shousuke turned his head away.

"Guys! Lets get into the water!!!" Hitomi said
She dragged Shousuke into the water.
Of course. Ai was angry at that
Ai genuinely looked like she was having fun (mostly because Shousuke was there)
Shousuke just stood in the water.
Yamada looked like he was having fun too.
Hitomi was glad that they were having fun and had a soft smile on her face.
She walked out of the water to rest for abit.
Her arms cradled her legs as she rested her chin on her arms while she mesmerized the sky.
Shousuke sat beside her on the towel.
The night was getting a little chilly and Shousuke noticed that Hitomi shivered slightly.
What? Shousuke wasn't gonna give his sweater to her.
"Hey Shousuke lend me that won't chu?" She said while pulling the sweater off of him.
Shousuke's eyebrow twitched.
Ai was yelling at Yamada about how he splashed water into her eyes and that she'll beat him up while Yamada was apologizing.
Shousuke turned to look at Hitomi again.
She was looking at the sky. She didn't even move one bit. It was as if she was a statue.
The time seemed like it stopped for a spilt second again.
He saw that Hitomi's eyes had widened. It was full of light.
"A meteor shower..." Hitomi whispered slightly
Shousuke turned his head to see the sky.
There really was a meteor shower.
His eyes also widened. The view was fantastic and mesmerizing.
"OMG OMG!!" Hitomi squealed
Hitomi quickly grabbed out her phone and took a picture
She sent it to her brother.
Tadano's phone vibrates
He clicks the message.

Komi's phone vibrates
Komi gets startled and jumps slightly.
She grabs her phone and saw that Tadano had messaged her.
Her cat ears poofed out again.
When she clicked on the message.
She saw that Tadano had sent her a image. The image was her brother and Tadanos younger sister with some friends.
She realized that there was a meteor shower. She was amazed.
Then, she realized that Hitomi was wearing Shousuke's sweater.

Why did Shousuke actually go with Ai outside? He was bored.

Ik Ai and Shousuke are kind of out of character 🤝🤝

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