Real fun

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As usual, Hitomi was dragging Shousuke around.
And they ended up in Starbucks.
Shousuke got a medium coffee
'KYAA!! He's SO COOL!'-Ai
Hitomi got a chant.
Ai got a cold drink
And Yamada got a cappuccino.
"We're here at the arcade guys!! Cmon lets go in already!" Hitomi said to the group happily and started dragging Shousuke in with her.
Ai had a sinister dark aura around her.
Yamada was scared.

Inside the arcade

"Shousuke! Lets battle in a 1v1 first player shooter game!" Hitomi said while raising her thumb up.
Shousuke ignored her but played anyways
In the end, Hitomi managed to win 7-3 against Shousuke.
"Yayy!! I beat Shousuke!" Hitomi shouted happily
Shousuke was glooming now. 'How could he lose to a girl like Hitomi?' He thought
"U-Uhm Shousuke kyun..." Ai said
Shousuke turned around to look at Ai
"Lets play too." She demanded
Shousuke just walked away
"Shousuke!!! Can you help me get something from the claw machine pleaseeee???" Hitomi asked with big pleading eyes
Shousuke turned away
"Pretty please with a cherry on top???" Hitomi added
Shousuke couldn't care less. But who could really say no to a little puppy dog face?

Hitomi was about to grab the keychain when Shousuke raised his arm
Hitomi is short compared to Shousuke. So of course she tried reaching for it.
After a few attempts she got mad and gave up.
Shousuke snickered a bit and cracked a chuckle.
Hitomi slowly (and dramatically) turned around.
"Shousuke... did you.. just.. laugh..?😨😨😨" Hitomi said looking horrified
Yamada and Ai looked flushed.
They both thought the same thing:
Shousuke quickly walked away from the group.

After awhile, Hitomi managed to find Shousuke somewhere deep inside the arcade.
"Shousuke there you are!!" Hitomi said
Shousuke quickly started walking away but of course no one could escape Hitomi.
They both sat down somewhere that's was a bit more quiet.
"Here!" Hitomi said to Shousuke as she turned to him.
Shousuke looked down and saw that she had a small white cat keychain with big beady eyes.
"Lets trade?" Hitomi happily asked.
Shousuke was about to ignore her but something deep down inside his heart controlled him instead.
Shousuke nodded and gave her a black cat keychain.
"Shousuke! This cat looks like you!" Hitomi said as she had a silly grin on her face while showing him.
"this cat also looks like you." Shousuke quietly said while holding the keychain.
Hitomi was a bit taken back but then smiled softly
'What is this feeling?' Shousuke asked himself
'Shousuke is finally getting better at communicating!' Hitomi thought happily
"There you two are! What are you guys doing here?!" Ai said as she was pufifng out steam.
Hitomi and Shousuke quickly put away their keychains while slightly flushing.

Hotpot place

"Wooaahh!! This place is Gigantic!!" Hitomi said astonished
"This place really does look cool!" Yamada said also astonished
"Tsk, I've been to bigger places before." Ai said to the both of them
Shousuke was somewhat excited.

"Hmm.. Shousuke! What are you gonna order??" Hitomi asked
Shousuke pointed at the crab on the menu.
"Ehh?? Seriously!? Crab isn't that good in hotpot..."
Ai got excited because she LOVES crabs too.
'We have another connection!' Ai thought happily
"What about you Yamada?" She cheerfully asked.
"O-oh! Well this looks really go—" Yamada and Hitomi continued to talk about the menu for a bit
Ai was staring at Shousuke, but Shousuke seemed to be staring at Hitomi..?
Ai turned her head to Hitomi, then back to Shousuke's. She was confused.

The waiter placed down their food.
"Shousuke.. that's a lot of crab..."
Shousuke seemed to slightly grow cat ears on his head.
(He REALLY likes crabs)
Everyone thought it was cute.
"Mnhum! Tis is rwelyl goeodd!!! Shusoke tri suume!!" Hitomi asked
(Mmm! This is really good!! Shousuke try some!!)
She didn't realize that she was holding her chopsticks out to feed him.
Hitomi got embarrassed and was about to take her chopsticks away but she felt a nibble and looked at Shousuke.
He had technically just been fed by Hitomi.
Hitomi started slightly flushing a shade of pink.
Shousuke started chewing and actually showed emotion.
Everyone was stunned 😨😨😨
Ai thought that it was SOO cute that he had a cute side to him.
Yamada was confused and flustered.
Hitomi was petrified.
Aside from that, Ai had already broken one pair of chopsticks seeing that Shousuke had been fed by Hitomi.

"Ahuuu!! I'm so full!" Hitomi said as she stretched.
"Yeah cause you ate like a pig." Ai rudely commented.
"Well atleast i didn't eat like 5 pieces of beef because I was too busy checking Shousuke out." Hitomi jokingly said
"W-WHAT!?" Ai squealed and quickly turned to Shousuke and then turned back to Hitomi.
(Shousuke couldn't care less about this)
"A-ARE YOU CRAZY HITOMI?! I WOULD NEVER LIKE HIM!!" Ai shouted as she flushed a deep shade of red and then started chasing Hitomi
"LMAOHSSHAHSY" Hitomi technically shouted has she started running.

Shousuke and Hitomi both put the cat keychain on their bag.

Shousuke was starting to fall asleep and then suddenly remembered how he had been fed by Hitomi.
He started banging his head into his pillow and that startled Shouko.
(Shousuke never wants to see the daylight ever again and wants to die from that embarrassing moment.)

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