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After they all got ready for bed and dried off.
Ai didnt want to sleep with Yamada. And she didn't want to see Hitomi sleep with Shousuke!
But it was better than the ground anyways.

Hitomi was getting nervous.
She wasn't nervous when she decided.
So why was she now?
Well, no turning back now.

They all got in bed.
"U-Uhm well I'm gonna close the lights now." Hitomi said.
It was really hot.
And akward.
Hitomi could feel herself blush.

After a couple of minutes, she couldn't sleep.
She poked Shousuke on the back.
"Psss... Shousuke!" She whispered
"You awake?"
Shousuke turned to face her but didn't realize how close they were.
Hitomi flushed.
Shousuke also flushed.
Hitomi never realized how big Shousuke's eyes were.
She turned away immediately.
Hitomi woke up randomly.
She felt something on the back of her neck.
She felt goosebumps.
She turned around and realized that Shousuke was hugging her!
She turned red immediately when she realized.
'Oh no... what should I do!' She thought
'I can't just wake him up! I mean I can, but that would be even more awkward!'
'Maybe I can try moving...?'
'What if he wakes up!'
She didn't know what to do.
But the simplest option was just to
Stay put.

Shousuke had a habit of waking up at 6:30 am.
When he opened his eyes, he realized that he was hugging Hitomi and Hitomi was clinging onto him like some kind of bear.
His eyes widened and he flushed red.
He didn't know what to do.
But the warmness felt nice.
He hadn't slept with anyone since he was 8.
So, Shousuke dozed off to sleep by accident

8:56 am

It seems like Hitomi and Shousuke had both woke up around the same time.
When they realized what position they were in...
They both got up immediately.
Being the easy going person Hitomi is.
"Oh...! Hahaha!! That was funny. Anyways Shousuke let's go buy some breakfast for us and the group!"
Shousuke just started getting ready.

"Hey you go first! I need to do something first!"
Shousuke just walked out of the door.
Immediately after he left.
Hitomi slid down the door and sat down.
She covered her face with both of her hands.
Her face was so hot and flustered!

Immediately after he left the room.
He leaned on the door and put a hand on his face.
Shousuke was also burning up.

(they both have a bad habit of clinging onto something while they sleep)

Shousuke x HitomiWhere stories live. Discover now