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6:30 am
*ring ring, ring ring*
Shousuke slowly opens his eyes. He drags himself up and got ready for school.

"SHOUSUKE!!!" Hitomi yelled from behind
'here we go again.' Shousuke thought as he rolled his eyes
Hitomi noticed that his bag had the keychain she had won at the arcade yesterday.
"Shousuke!!! You put the keychain on your bag?" Hitomi asked
Shousuke got a bit embarrassed but ignored her
"Hey me too!" Hitomi grinned as she showed her bag to Shousuke
Shousuke got embarrassed so he started walking faster.

"G-Good morning Shou—! Ai suddenly got interrupted by Hitomi
"MORNING SHOUSUKE!!!! Wow you're a fast walker!!" Hitomi said while having an arm around Shousuke's neck.
Ai had lava steaming out of her nose.
She suddenly saw how Hitomi and Shousuke both had "matching" cat keychains on their bag.
Ai's heart skipped a beat.
'Are they dating?' Ai thought
"Hitomi." Ai darkly said
"Mmm? Yes Ai Chan??" Hitomi replied
"I need you to follow me." Ai added
"Huh? Yeah sure after I put my bag away and change my sho—!!" Hitomi said
Ai started pulling On her collar.

They were behind the school.
"I'll ask you again. Are you and Shousuke in a romantic relationship." Ai asked
"Uhhh, we're not?" Hitomi replied, confused.
"Then why do you have "matching" keychains with him." Ai asked again
"Oh! Because he wouldn't give me the keychain I wanted so I decided to trade with him!"
Ai calmed down abit. So it was all a misunderstanding?
"U-Uhm Hitomi." Ai asked
"Wassup Ai chan?" Hitomi replied while fixing her collar.
"Help me get closer to Shousuke kun." Ai demanded
"Uhmm I thought that you didn't like hi—"
Hitomi was shushed by Ai.
"I-ITS NOT LIKE THAT!!" Ai shouted immediately
"w-well it is kind of like that..." Ai added on quietly
"You can count on me Ai!" Hitomi said while pointing a thumb up.
Maybe Hitomi wasn't so bad after all.

today was a weird day Shousuke thought

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