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Icarus was staring out the window of his prison. Daedalus, his father, had made wings so they could fly to safety. "Icarus, don't fly to close to the sun ok? it could melt the wax on you wings and I don't want you to get hurt." Daedalus instructed "Don't worry Dad I'm not that dumb!" [boy was he wrong]


Mean while the two sun Gods were flying across the sky. "Hey Apollo, are those two people flying?" Helios asked while staring at the two moving figures. "Don't be silly humans can't fly- HOLY MOTHER OF HERA." 


"Icarus your starting to get too high! Come down next to me it's safer here." a worried Daedalus begged. "I'm gonna fuck the sun!" "ICARUS NO! DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH!?" "I'm gonna do it, you can't stop me!"


Apollo and Helios had now been watching the two humans flying across the sky for about 10 minutes. "I'm gonna fuck the sun!" "ICARUS NO! DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH!?" "I'm gonna do it, you can't stop me!" Helios had started laughing so hard he was almost crying, Apollo on the other hand was getting reading to jump off the chariot and grab the human. 

"H-he said he was going to fu-" 

"I know what he said Helios." Apollo said handing the laughing god the reins to the chariot. 

"Hey! Where do you think your going?" 

"To get that kid on one of the islands dumbass. His wings are going to burn if he gets any closer." Apollo explained while getting ready to grab the flying child. 

"Ok ok, no need to be rude."


Icarus could see the two Gods at this point. 

"Am I actually about to try to fuck the sun? Y E S" he though as he saw a hand reach out to him.

 Before he could grab onto the man his wings melted away leaving him falling. His life flashed before his eyes. Icarus was sobbing, wishing he had listened to his father. Suddenly he hit the water and everything went black.

Icarus woke up on a makeshift bed, covered in bandages. 

"ugh my head" He groaned as he sat up. He looked around realized that it was the middle of the night. He also saw a beach and a note. The note read as follows



           You almost did it

                      Apollo & Helios                                                                                                  p.s. "I'm gonna fuck the sun" sounded                                                                                                                        hilarious.


"Wha- wait!"

[403 words]

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