16. Illicit

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Yoongis Pov

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

I froze for a moment.

Does he want to be my boyfriend?

I've never been in real a relationship before...

It's always been sexual...

"I-or maybe not it's ok if you don't want to" jimin looked down

"N-no I want to be your boyfriend, the question just caught me off guard."
I took a deep breath "I would love to be your boyfriend jiminshi"

I kissed his forehead. Watching him blush made my heart flutter.

I will be the best boyfriend he ever had.

Time skip - 2 weeks

Me and Jimins relationship became better and better by the day. My feelings for him deepened every second we spent together.

We went on dates, mini trips, and shopping, I also discovered his amazing ability to sing, so I've been trying to convince him to let me write him a song to sing.

No luck yet but I refuse to give up.

Everything seemed to be going well. Maybe a little too well.

It was Wednesday evening. Jimin was making dinner and I was finishing up some work when I got a call.



"What is it jungkook? I'm a little busy right now dude"

"I was just wondering if you knew about Hobi hyung" the boy replied nervously.

"What about him?" I replied slowly

"He was hired at the mini bakery on your floor this afternoon..." I could hear jungkook gulp through the phone.

"WHAT!? Who approved the hire!?"

"I-I'm not sure, all I know is that w-we can't fire him without a legal reason. So there is nothing we can do about it.."

I took a deep breath "thank you for telling me, kook. I got to go"

I hung up before he could respond.

Why Hobi?

Why can't you just leave me alone?

I threw my pen across the room out of frustration.

"Hyung?" I heard a soft voice say.

I turned to look and saw jimin poking his head in from outside the door.

"May I come in?" I took a deep breath.

Be cool

You got to tell him yoongi

"Of course, baby, come here" I stuck out my hand for him to grab.

"He placed his hand in mine and I pulled him in my lap and proceeded to give him kisses all over his face.

"Baby I gotta tell you something," I said after a short pause.

"W-hat is it hyung? Is everything ok?" He asked nervously


"Hobi got a job at the company. I don't know how it happened" I looked over to see Jimins face.

"What are you thinking?" I asked nervously

"Are you going to get back with him?" He mumbled.

"No baby no, I had nothing to do with this! I have no intention of ever associating with him ever again!" I cupped his face.

"Please believe me" I begged while whipping his tears.

He pressed his forehead against mine and said "I believe you hyung"


We stayed like that for a while.

Hellooo this is a shorter chapter but I just wanted to let you know that I purple the few people reading this😭💓 Ty for reading I appreciate you sm

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