17. Loss

50 4 13

Jimins pov

Truth be told I was extremely worried about Hobi being around yoongi.

Don't get the wrong idea I believe yoongi cares for me.

But Hobi is sketchy and I have a bad feeling he is going to crest some kind of issue.

Today was the first day him and I would be working in the same building.

I told Tae and Jin about the whole situation and they promised to be my buffer whenever they could.

I was entering Yoongis office after copying some papers when I heard some voices inside.

"Hobi, you shouldn't be in here right now, Jimin will misinterpret and you will cause another issue" yoongi snarled

"There is nothing for him to misunderstand. I'm here to get my man back and you are playing hard to get. Simple." Hobi mused.

"I'm not your man and you won't get me back so go-" I walked in slamming open the door.

"What is it about being a homewrecker that entices you so much?" I barked at him.

I was furious. How dare he?

"Jimin! Oh, how wonderful to see you. You look well" Hobi smiled at him.

"And you look desperate" I retorted.

Hobis face immediately turned into a glare.

"Watch your back jimin, and enjoy this little relationship while you can"

He bumped into me while walking out the door.

U turned to look and Jimin and started feeling sick.

I knew it.

He is going to take yoongi away from me.

"Jiminie I'm so.."

"Stop, just don't" I stormed out of the room.

Am I being harsh?

I just don't understand why he has to be here.

Why do bad things keep happening to me?

Why me?

I walked downstairs to the first floor where Jin and Tae worked.

I needed my friends right now.

When I walked into the coffee shop I saw a familiar face.


The sweetest person ever.

Note to self to text her! Me and her could become great friends.

I walked in and sat down next to her.

"Jimin!" She exclaimed and gave me a tight hug "how are you!?"

"Not too great, relationship issues you know?" I chuckled

"Awe I'm so sorry! Well, I gtg but promise to text me about it!" She yelled walking out.

"Sure thing!" I called back

Jin and Tae came out from outback and sat by me.

"Hey guys" I smiled

"Hey jiminie what's up? Aren't you still on the clock?" Tae asked

"I was hit then Hobi decide to make a visit to yoongi" I sighed " he really got to me so now I'm here to pout"

"What did yoongi say?" Jin asked concerned.

"He told him to leave and that he wasn't his anymore etc. But it still got to me. I mean why does he even have to be here? Why can't he find someone else??" I whined

Tae came up behind me and patted my bag " don't worry Jiminshi, I'm sure hyung has it covered. Nothing to worry about, just try to avoid him" he advised.

"Y-yeah I should trust him."

Something is still making me uneasy

"Well on a happier note, jungkook and Tae are finally official" Jin beamed.

Tae blushed "and yesterday night I heard him getting his back blown out by his new bf" Jin joked. (They live tg)

"SHUT UP! Don't pretend like you don't get fucked by Namjoon almost daily, frankly I don't know how you're able to stand right now. Is he that bad ?" Tae teased

Jin through a stack of plastic cups and tackled him "shut up you brat his dick is amazing"

I giggled "get up crack heads new customers can come in any second"

After composing themselves and cleaning up I hugged my friends goodbye and went outside to wait for yoongi to take me home.

As I exited the building I bumped into two people kissing.

I turned around with the intent to apologize until I saw who they were.

"What's going on here? What are you doing with him?" I gasped.

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