18. Heart

43 3 8

Yoongis Pov

Work is done for today.

I really missed jimin. I wondered if he was still mad.

He has every right to he I guess. I need to figure out how to make it up to him.

I can't Stan the thought of losing him.

As I was walking out of the building I spot jimin standing outside.

Perfect this is my chance to talk to him

I ran towards him and opened the door.

He is just standing there. Staring.

What is he the starting at?

I looked over.

He stared at two people kissing.

They look familiar.. is that?

Myung and Hobi??! KISSING?

I grabbed Jimins hand and pulled him towards our car. He followed mindlessly.

I noticed that he was trembling,

I got him into the car and cupped his face once he buckled in.

He was having some sort of panicked attack. His body was shaking and sweating.

"Jiminshi calm down my love. We are going home right now."

He just grabbed one of my hands and closed his eyes.

I assumed this was his way of calming himself down. I started the car and drive one-handed all the way home.

When we got there I got out of the car and unbuckled jimin, helped him out, and walked him to our new shared room.

"Jimin I"

"why was he kissing Myung!? What is he playing at!? And why was Myung near the building why can't they just go away!" Jimin cried out sobbing.

I grabbed him and hugged him. I had no answer for him. I just let him cry out in my arms.

A few days later

Hobi was banned from coming to my office or even speaking to me at all but that didn't stop him from bothering Jimin.

He brought Myung with him everywhere.

Lunch dates at work.

Pick up.


Does Myung not have a job or something?

I had jimin stay in my office most of the day to avoid any contact with either of them.

I stayed with him because being around Myung for too long causes me to become violent.

I wonder what their play is.

Maybe Hobi realized he couldn't get to me so he is getting to jimin instead.

Or maybe it's a big horrible coincidence.

Either way, my one goal at the moment is to protect jimin from this bs.

Later that night

Ring ring. Ring ring.


"Hey, yoongi..."

"Hobi what are you-"

"I'm sorry okay? For everything... I got extremely jealous and acted childishly."

"Yeah you did"

"Do you think maybe we could talk about it? I want to figure out a way to apologize to jimin as well. Please?"

"Aren't we talking about it now?"

"In person? Please? It can be in public if you don't trust me"

"I don't know about that Hobi"

"Please! Give me a chance!"

"Fine, I'll meet you in 30 min at the bar near large hut entertainment."

"Thank you thank you! See you then"


It's nice to hear that Hobi wants to apologize.

He used to be so kind.

But I can't shake it horrible feeling in my stomach.

Hey, besties!! This is another shorter chapter! I feel like the chapters are getting worse and worse so I'm so sorry if that's the case😭 I'm writing the next one right now adios💓

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