Chapter 1

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But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.

~Mr. Keating, Dead Poets Society


"You, Ms. McKenzie, are fired." Troy Cole said, without sparing a glance at Dove. His hazel eyes glued to some blue colored file. Dove stood there stunned as well as happy. She was worried to lose her job but she was happy to get rid from a job which was more like a slavery to her.

Troy treated Dove more like a slave than his employee. It all started exactly 6 months before, when his charms failed to trap Dove to have one night stand. His male ego refused to accept that rejection and furiously demanded revenge.

It was the reason Troy made Dove's life a living hell. He made her work even on the weekends. She did his private errands, his house jobs which was getting beyond frustrating for her. But before she could resign herself, she was fired.

For first time, in their whole conversation of ten minutes Troy bothered to look at Dove's face. She was fidgeting with her thumbs.

"But why are you firing me, Sir?" Dove asked softly.

Although she was happy to be fired yet she needed to know if she was at fault.

"Well Ms. McKenzie as you know you have proved to be an asset for this company so there is no particular reason to fire you. But now I would like Ms. White to get the chance to prove herself by being my personal assistant. Ms McKenzie, thank you for dedicating your whole year to my company. I really appreciate your work and wish you luck for your future." Troy dismissed Dove.

Dove was not at all shocked to know the reason told by Troy. She and other employees too knew about his extra marital affair with Kate White, Troy's recent toy. She was happy to finally say goodbye to Cole Textile Inc. After packing her stuff which included just a few books, a photo frame of her mother, a purse and a laptop, Dove bade farewell to Casey, the receptionist. She left the building for good and never once bothered to look back.

Sighing, she muttered, "Another chapter closed. Let us move on to new one and hopefully, this will bring something good in my life."

As soon as Dove set her foot out, the cold breeze of London hit her exposed skin gently, making her arms grip her waist tightly to provide herself some warmth. As she walked down the streets, the sun was setting and leaving the sky with soft hues of light purple, pink, blue and white. Chirping of birds was dying slowly, everything indicating to the end of the day.

Due to the cold weather of London and not eating for the whole day, Dove felt the strong need to have her hot chocolate. She turned to the last corner and saw her favorite café, Barrister's Café. A smile crept on her lips as she took a few steps towards the café.

As she opened the door of the café, a bell dinged signaling the entry of a customer. Few heads turned towards Dove but she ignored all the stares that she received from the patrons. She made her way towards the counter only to find it without Antony Straw, cafe's owner.

Finally a head popped behind the counter and shot a warm smile to Dove's way.

"Oh my my! Look who we have today. Dove Alice McKenzie. Finally she decided to bless me and my little café with her presence." Antony exclaimed dramatically, making Dove giggle.

"Hello to you too, Antony. You know very well I can't live without your hot chocolate. My tummy got half full as I entered here and sweet aromas hit my nostrils." Dove said with a grin while patting her belly softly.

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