Chapter 3

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During the game..

"HEY WHERE DID YOU GET THE 100 DOLLARS!"gumball acused angel of cheating "i already had 100 dolarrs from the start what are you talking about" seeming confused,evryone was just tired and confused honestly because this was the seventh time gumball accused someone of cheating without any proof

Devil was about a second away of throwing gumball of the window "STOP ACCUSING EVRYONE YOU PINK HAIRED CHICHUAHA" gumball sticked out his tongue and that was the last straw

Devil slapped gumball right in the face and stole hus monopoly money "OUCH THAT HURT YA NOW?!"the door suddenly opend and there was some emo child and asked the kids "two other of youre guy'es kind came .. i think there waiting for you guys"

Custard got up "finnaly those must be the other two! Lets go downstairs!" Mango was confused "but we dint finish playing mono-" evryone was already down satirs ecept mango now

Mango sighed and went down aswell, poisen mushroom was chilling on the couch while crepe was drawing something "hey guys! Finnnaly that took sooo long now evryones finnaly here did you guys bring my candy?" Custard asked reciving a mushroom from poisen who thought it counts as candy

"Canddyyyyy .. :D"custard threw the mushroom in the garbage while evryone else sat down on the couch,mango was cutios on what crepe was drawing "hey strawberry crepe what are you drawing?" Crepe showed him the paper

It was a picture of them... hitting people with a frying pan "wow uh its very ...creative"mango dint realy now what to say "thank you i took some inspiration of a movie called tangled my sister made me watch it"

"Ehem evryone attention here please!" Custard said standing infront of the tv "i bought a new movie and today were going to watch it!"he said proudly devil dint realy like the idea "i dont wanna watch some stupid kid show hehe i have a better idea how about we watch thiw movie its for very mature people like me!"

Devil pulled out IT "that looks scary.."mango whispeared "dont be a baby about it!"devil wanted to put ok the movie but gumball stopped them "whoah whoah thats like for grown ups look its age regi blah blah its for cookies that are over 18"creoe looked at gumball confused "so? Its not like it nows our age lets just watch it"

Mango picked up happy three friends the show that custard picked out "how about qe instead wtach this... i dont want my mom finding out i watched something like that-! Were not old enough yet" evryone agreed with mango exept devil and crepe

"Boooringgggg" devil kept reapiting over and over again but they eventualy finnaly stopped, custard finnaly 9ut the show on evryone was watching it happily ...

10 minutes later

"WHAT WERE YOU KIDS THINKING OF WATCHING THIS"the babysitter said gumball and devil were hugging while crying mango was calling out for their mother's, poisen was looking at the wall, custard and angel were getting screamed at while crepe was still watching the show

Dark cocoa (i think- like the old grandpa one) then turned down the tv "HEY IT WAS JUST GETTING GOOD!" crepe yelled but he immideatly shut up after seing the old granpas mad face, custard only replied with "it wasnt even that scary well atleast not as scary as a suprise test" angel nodded to that statment

All the kids were sent back to custard's room devil was still crying "WHAT WAS THAT"honetsly none of them could have expect this to happen "WE SHOULD HAVE JUST WATCHED THE MOCVIE I BROUGHT"

No one knew what to do i mean they had nothing to do did they?but then custard got an idea "guys how about we bevome detektives!?" Evryone turned to look at him and devil and gumball started laughing

Gumball said "dude you cant be serius a detektive group? So we do what hmm? SolVe mUrdErs"he spoke in a sacrastic tone,custard dint get it "yeah! Since theres already a murder on the loose whe can go help the police!i knew you would like the idea!"

"Dude do you know how dangerous that is?!im always sown for dangerous stuff but.. we could die if the murder finds us!"devil stated

"Also theres a lockdown rn we cant even go outside" angel added,crepe groaned "ughhh you guys are soo boring, i say lets do it im in!  Only if my wafflebots can help tho" custard agreed to letting the wafflebots help while the others dint realy know if they should agree

Mango got curios and asked "if.. and i mean IF  we do becole dedektives shount we tell the police about it? Also are we even old enough to be detektives,what will out parents think?and do we get rewa-" "im in" angel raised there hand

"Great!cmon guys if angel is in even you guys can do it"custard exclaimed "gosh fine fine you guys would die without me helping anyway" devil stated

Mango still had many questions in their mind but agreed aswell, and custard begged the other two to join aswell the confused poisen mushroom agreed aswell.. atleast the others tjink they did since they keep saying yey and talking about mushrooms..

"Cmok gumball pleeeasseee"custard pleaded, devil joined custard and they both kept annyoing him while the others packed their stuff to go to the store

"OKAY PLEASE JUST STOP SPEAKING"gumball cried "YESSSSSSS"custarf and devil laughed at the same time,the others were finished with getting the bags and money "we can go buy the stuff we need now!"mango said

The kids all went downstairs but no one was there custard looked atound "huh wheres that old granpa"he asked "maybe we can ask youre brother to take us there..?"mango asked

Custard sighed he hated the thought of needing to reely on someone so stupid and egoistic, that was atleast what he thought of him "do we realy need to? Cant we go alone instead i mean were old enough"he argued

Custard continued "for exapmle.. uhh whose the oldest here?-" evryone looked at eachother then started asking how old they are cause they had no acctualy idea whose the oldest

After a few minutes custard questioned "so mango and poisen are the youngest then comes devil and angel so me, crepe and gumball are the oldest!"

"Uhm acctualy youre like also in the middle-"mango answered "what?!no im not" angel pointed out "dude youre not the oldest poisen and mango are 12 me and devil are 13 youre also 13 the only diffrence is youre turning 14 in like 5 months and crepe turned 14 two months ago and gumball is 14  so im pretty sure you dont count in the older group"

"Pfh youre just a hater, okay fine i 'gUeSS' im not one of the older kids fine! Pff who am i to care anyway hmp"he bickered, gumball hit him on the shoulder "dont worry kiddo let the older one help you aka ME! hehe i know i know im the best just follow my lead and no one dies!"

"If we follow you evryone would die, i dont trust gumball with this mission" devil grumbled "yeah he acts like a 4 year old" angle added, mango asked "does that mean strawberry crepe is the leader..-?"

Evryone looked at crepe "HA?you guys cant be serius i aint doing this shit" crepe backed out, the others started pleding for them to do it since gumball would end up losing all of them

"Pleasseeee please please please please"  "please crepe you cant leave us with that idiot" "PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" "can you please atleast consider it please?" "DO IT OR ILL DESTROY THOSE STUPID WAFFLEBOTS" "pleaseeeeee pleeeeeeeaaseeee"

"you guys are so f*cking annoying,fine fine but if one of you goes missing or die,its not my fault and you all owe me something"

"Thank you so sos so so so much, now lets go!were going to the police station to find more about this case!"custard leaded

Wordcount : 1369 (excluding a/n)

A/n:sorry it took so long to uptade theres just a lot going on in my life rn and im in wattpad that much anymore i have been more on ao3 these days but i will continue updating this book once i get better at writing i will problably switch to ao3 uhm  yea hope you enjoy this chapter sorry for any writing mistakes or the fact its to short or fast pasted

Lets Be Dectectives (A Crk Story )(-taking A Break-)Where stories live. Discover now