chapter 4

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!!ships that you might not like (custard × crepe)!!

-at the police station-

"Uhm so let me get this straight you kids want to start a club, wich resolve around solving murderes while you kids dont even have a degree and still go to school?"the worried police officer asked,wich they all nodded in response.

The police man looked at them in a worried but also confused manner saying "sorry,but theres no way, you kiddos are way to young, and this is a matter for the police trust me those 'detective' stuff ins't like what you see on tv." hope'ing that the kids would stop asking.

The so called kids looked at eachother looking in a defeated way but they count stop now could they? Crepe started shouting saying that the police arent doing shit to help,while devil even tried to annoy him by hitting on his head, mango and custard kept saying please

The mad officer immediatly count take it and he wasnt going to get scared by some kids, he kicked them out the police station and even told them if they would try again he woild call their parents

The seven kids just stood there not knowing what to do, after a while they decided to go to there treehouse in crepe's place wich isnt far away from the police station.

"Man this sucks that stupid police officer thinks hes ssoooo smart atleast let us help dammit" crepe ranted, they all sat down in a circle and started talking.

Devil agreed "yeah i mean cmon were kids but we arent dumb, i bet atleast a hundred dollars that they arent doing anything for us" custard complained "what are we supposed to do now we cant just i dont know go and steal the files and do it without premision"

"...welll we could but thats illigal" gumball said  "but were also doing it for the greater at the same time we would be helping..?" Custard mentioned, wich started a kind of debate between the two  "both of you shut up im just going to go get the file i dint care if its illigal" angel yelled gettimg out the treehouse

Devil said "hey wait thats iiligal you cant- ugh" mango,custard and cepe glanced at eachother for a second before mango said  "im confused.. why is angel doing illigal things and why are YOU trying to stop them i thought you were the devil and there the angel.."

"I-you- well its complicated.....fine its just that i guess being always good and well angel always tries to make me an angel saying i can be good or whatever but i kept doing illigal stuff and being mean to the point that they lost hope admiting that some people are just evil for no good reason i felt bad trying to be good or sonething but angel ended up always being happy and innocnet around others but they acctualy lost it and so yare yare ya boom tthey act like a little bitch with people there comefortabel with"

They all looked stunned in a way not knowing how to reply, the only reason angel was comfortable to do illigal things or curse and overal be mean was because they felt safe around them

"Aw wait thats acctualy kind of sweet when you take the illigal part away.." mango said "shut up" devil dint want to talk more after speaking that much feeling tired, while evryones was waiting for the blond to return custard tried to start a conversation.

"Whats your guy'es favourit cookie?(person)"gumball thought for a while "well can it be anyone or like someone in our class for example our crush?" Most dint know but custard nodded they never talked about stuff like crushes or love life's of others except their teachers trying to guess whose together or has chemistry

Devil mubleded looking quit shoked "since when did we talk about stuff like that" "oh cmon were in 8th grade now these are the years were people have crushes and realashinships and stuff ..i think atleast"

"Shroom like shroom" poisen chuckled and hugged a mushroom they brought with them, custard looked at crepe who was sitting next to him and asked "do you like someone?"  The question threw crepe of the hook and they immatialty shouted "nopenopenopenopenopenopenopenopenope N.O.P.E AND NEVER ASK ME AGAIN!!" "Dudeee chilax its just a question now it seems like you realy do have a crush" gimball laughed crepe was mere seconds away from killing him right at that moment

"Crepe has a crushh crepe has a crushh" devil praticly laughed making fun of them "SHUT UP NO I DONT" mango tried to stop them but instead somehow ended up agreing with devil

"WHO IS IT TELL US YOU MORTAL" devil shouted standing on top of a table, "NO ONE GOD DAMIT"crepe was very red and furios "IS IT SOMEONE IN OUT CLASS?!"devil said and mango joined in "you can tell us were your friends!! Or cant you tell us because it someone in our group?"

Crepe pushed devil of The table and they hit there head "OWCH YOU BlTCH"mango ran behind mushroom before crepe could punch them.custard who was watching them stepped in saying "please stop if they dont want to tell us they dont need to they will tell us when the time comes and as your future king i say you stop! Please-"

Crepe agreed and calmed down not wanting to cause more of a scene devil finnaly came to there senses and got a idea they looked at custard and crepe,they were still red and devil got an idea "heyyy..... why did you only listen when custard said so? Are you biased... or inLloOoOoovvVee" devil said the last part in like those love movies.

Crepe punched devil wich just made them belive it more "why so aggresive, are you afraid that custard wont like you, dont worry either way i wount approve of it as custards sibling you aint touching my brother, agressive waffle rip-off

"I- BITCH- WHAT" crepe was about to beat them to crumbs but angel finnaly came back they looked confused "im back- what the f*ck happend while i was gone"

"Nevermind that, so what did you bring?" Angel put down four cases on the floor,custard took the first one he saw and started looking in it "oh this one is about a murder that happend in a hotel"

Mango looked at the second file "and this one is about a failed murder attempt-" devil looked disapointed and turned to angel "why did you only being four?! And these are all about murder!!"

"Hey! The place was guarded from top to bottom how did you expect me to get so much i got what i could,lets finish these first then i can go and get more maybe after we solve these, the police might show more respect to us"

Custard closed the file and looked at them "yea but maybe we can split into two groups so we can solve both of these cases quiker" he suggested, all of them thoguht about it and agreed

Gumball and crepe got a list of numbers, they were the two group leaders "why the hell did we get a paper of numbers" crepe looked confused, angel then answered saying "well this way you wont know who you will pick".

"This is stupid" devil was tired of waiting, gumball choose first "uhm i guess number three-?"  After choosing, here were the groups

Group 1, aka crepe,custard and devil
Group 2, aka gumball,angel,mango and poisen

Group one is doing file 2 aka the murder attempt
And group 2 is going to do the murder in the hotel
Each of them will be two diffrent chapters

To be continued

A/N wordcount:1309 (not including A/N)
Sorry that this took so long to make :(
Sorry for any spelling mistakes also the chapters might take longer to do because of school i apoligize i hope you enjoyed this chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2022 ⏰

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