Chapter 3

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That night, the girls had a sleepover at Pinkie's place.

Twilight: If we sleep together, then maybe we'll discover the problem sooner.

Rainbow: *rubs her head* The sooner the better, I wanna go back to my Wonderbolt dreams.

Applejack: I'm with ya, Rainbow, I'm doing everything I can!

Everypony turned to Applejack

Applejack: Sorry, been having the same nightmare every night.

Pinkie: Pleasant dreams, everypony!

Rainbow: Fat chance, and why is Spike here?

Spike: Hey! I can come to a sleepover too!

Rainbow: But you've been sleeping like a baby!

Spike: So?

Rainbow: So there's no point-

Twilight: Everpony go to sleep! We're all cranky from hardly getting any sleep, but the sooner we solve this mystery, the sooner we'll get to sleep!

Rainbow: You don't have to tell me twice!


The first few hours were peaceful, but soon, the ponies started having nightmares much worse than before while Spike slept like a baby. Fluttershy that her animal friends no longer wanted anything to do with her, Twilight that she had been unable to save her friends from a terrible villain, Pinkie that she had made the worst tasting cake in the history of cakes, Rainbow Dash that she had witnessed herself becoming Rainstorm Dash and bringing massive storms to Equestria, Applejack that her orchards suddenly started sprouting oranges instead of apples, and Rarity that she had lost her designer's touch and could no longer make beautiful outfits. All these nightmares were indeed horrifying for the poor ponies, so horrifying that they all felt real. The girls jolted from their sleep when a gust of wind came out of nowhere.

Applejack: What a nightmare!

Pinkie: Who makes a cake out of rocks?! Whoever this nightmare pony is has a terrible taste in cake flavors!

Twilight: Thank goodness you girls are okay! I thought Chrysalis had gotten you for sure!

Fluttershy: *hugs Angel* Do you still love me, Angel?

The girls suddenly heard Rainbow Dash's screams of terror, a dark mist was surrounding her, preventing her from escaping.

Rainbow: Girls, help! It's got me! I can't get away!

Fluttershy: Oh goodness! Oh goodness!

Twilight and Rarity started zapping magic at the mist, but it wouldn't let Rainbow Dash go. Pinkie grabbed a net and started swinging at the mist.

Pinkie: Take that you toxic wind! And that! And that! And that!

Rainbow: Not helping, Pinkie!

The heavy mist flew out the window, taking Rainbow Dash with it.

Pinkie: It sounded more clever in my head...

Rainbow: HELP!!!!

Twilight: C'mon, Fluttershy, we have to save Rainbow!

Fluttershy and Twilight flew after Rainbow Dash's elusive abductor, she was being pulled further away from them and getting sucked deeper into the mist. Twilight continued zapping the mist with her magic, but it wasn't getting weaker.

Rainbow: Hurry! Get me outta here!

Twilight: We're trying!

Fluttershy: Grab my hooves!

Rainbow Dash grabbed onto Fluttershy's hooves. With all her might, Fluttershy tried frantically to pull Rainbow Dash out, but it was no use, their attempts were in vain.

Fluttershy: I can't pull her out! She's stuck!

Rainbow: Try harder!

A mysterious voice suddenly came from the mist holding Rainbow Dash captive.

?: No use, ponies, your friend is mine!

Fluttershy and Twilight were both in shock.

Twilight: Who are you?! And what do you want with Rainbow Dash?!

?: Nopony of importance, I sense a powerful emotion through this one's nightmares, her fears will make her stronger, it will strengthen me and I'll bring you all down!

Fluttershy: Fears?!

Rainbow: No! I don't have any fears! Just get this guy to shut up!

?: What about your fears of Rainstorm Dash, my dear?

Rainbow: Shut up!

Twilight continued zapping the mist, still no use of releasing Rainbow Dash.

?: I'd save your strength if I were you, unicorn magic is useless against me!

Fluttershy flew up the the mist.

Fluttershy: Um...I'm only asking nicely for the sake of Dashie, but may you please let her go? Pretty please?

Rainbow: Oh for crying out loud! GET YOUR TENTACLES OFF OF ME!!!!

?: Tentacles?! You have some serious nerve, child, perhaps I could find other uses out of you.

Rainbow: Oops...

Fluttershy and Twilight were suddenly knocked out of the sky.

Rainbow: NO!!! SAVE ME!!!!

Just like that, Rainbow Dash was gone.

Pinkie: Where did Dashie go?!

Twilight: That's just it, we don't know. Whoever that is just snagged her and disappeared at the speed of light.

Spike: So she's just gone?! Poof! Just disappeared?!

Twilight: I'm afraid so, Spike. No traces, no clues, nothing.

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