Chapter 4

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The girls panicked the rest of the night. Twilight was hyperventilating a lot, she had a crazy look on her face.

Pinkie: Where did Dashie go?! Where was she taken?! Who took her and why?!

Twilight: This is a disaster! Whoever this is has something big planned!

Eager to find out what was going on, Twilight wrote to Celestia hoping she would have the answer. This was too big of a responsibility for her to handle as the new ruler of Equestria.

Rarity: Darling, are you sure Celestia would be able to help us? If anypony can help us, it's-

Twilight: Celestia! It's Celestia! She might know something about this whowhat'sit or whatever! She's helped me with so much already!


Seconds turned into minutes, minutes turned into hours, there was no reply from Celestia, Twilight grew anxious and impatient. Finally, Spike's long desired burp happened. Twilight took the scroll and opened it quickly, but it wasn't Celestia who replied, it was her sister Luna.

Twilight: Luna? Of course! She might be able to help us!

Rarity: Exactly what I wanted to tell you, darling.

Twilight read the message Luna had sent her:

Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle,

My sister cannot help you with what you've experienced, as princess of the night, I will tell you what I know. This is just as I feared, Nightmare Moon's magic is still afloat. I believed that when you and your friends defeated her and restored me that it was gone, but I was wrong. I do know that the remaining magic, also known as Nightmare Forces, will feed on your fears and desires, whatever Rainbow's desire or fear is must've had enough energy to make it stronger. Once the Nightmare Forces find the strongest fears to feed on, they will take their victim to what's called the Nightmare Dreamscape, where nightmares never end. I will show you and your friends how to get there to reach Rainbow Dash before it's too late.


Princess Luna

The message had the ponies shocked.

Fluttershy: Nightmare Dreamscape? Sounds-

Pinkie: Scary?! Creepy?! Shocking?! Makes your mane stand up straight?!

Twilight didn't want to waste anytime.

Twilight: C'mon, girls, not a moment to waste!

Applejack: Hold on, sugarcube, we don't even know how to get there. We'll just have to wait for Luna.

Fluttershy: Oh...I hope Dashie's okay


Rainbow Dash meanwhile had no idea where she was or what was going on. When she came too, she saw she was in a large dark castle, very little light was shown, and the only colors you could see were the colors on her rainbow mane and tail.

Rainbow: W-Where am I?

?: Welcome, Rainbow Dash.

It was the same voice she had heard earlier when her friends tried to save her. She saw a stallion in a black suit of armor and fiery red eyes. Shadows surrounded him as he approached Rainbow Dash. She got into a fighting stance ready to take him down.

Rainbow: Who are you?!

?: You may call me Shadow, but we're not here to talk about me, we're here to talk about you.

Rainbow Dash didn't find him very threatening.

Rainbow: Look, buddy, you don't want anything to do with me, trust me. You're not getting anything outta me.

Shadow: Oh? How about this?

Rainbow Dash saw what had happened to her when she first found that water amulet and she didn't even realize how dangerous it was until just before she was possessed. When she saw all the danger and destruction she brought upon Ponyville, she was dumbstruck.

Rainbow: Did...did I do that?

Shadow: Indeed

Rainbow Dash lost her confidence and plopped on the floor sobbing.

Shadow: Imagine if you could make all this go away

Rainbow: W-What do you mean?

Shadow: You could have it all. Instead of being in the shadow of that disgusting Princess Twilight, you could have all of Equestria for yourself.

Those words began to flow rapidly in Rainbow Dash's head, her had began spinning, her eyes began spiraling. It was like she was going crazy.

Shadow: Nopony could tell you what to do, you could be the supreme ruler of Equestria, the only princess rather than your useless friends being beside you.

Rainbow Dash's head spun rapidly, dark forces began to surround and corrupt her. Her desire to take Equestria for herself began to overpower her, no matter how hard she tried to resist it.

Rainbow: love my friends...

Shadow: If they really were your friends, they would let you have all of Equestria, they would all be at your hooves worshiping you, praising you for being an incredible ruler. You would have complete control over them, and they would do all you wish.

The more Shadow fed to Rainbow's brain, the less she could resist. The dark forces soon covered her from head to hoof, completely overpowering her. The desire was now stuck with her, there was no turning back.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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