Catching Up With A Friend

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You were driving and had to stop the car so you could read the directions Amy texted you. You knew Amy moved in with her boyfriend, Markiplier, and he lived about 30 minutes away from you.

"Why am I going? I really can't believe I said I would visit. I wish Sirius was with me, but she doesn't come back from training until tomorrow." (Sirius is your black German shepherd). Your therapist recommended you get an emotional support dog for your ADHD, depression, and panic attacks, so you found Sirius. She was 4 months old when you found her at a shelter. (This is her as a puppy.)

(This is her now, almost 2 years old

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(This is her now, almost 2 years old.)

you had her go to a dog training camp to be an emotional support dog when she was 1 and after a year of training, she is a fully trained emotional support dog and she helps You with your ADHD and depression

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you had her go to a dog training camp to be an emotional support dog when she was 1 and after a year of training, she is a fully trained emotional support dog and she helps You with your ADHD and depression.

Most people were afraid of her because of her wolf-like appearance but that's what you liked most about her. When you pet Sirius it made you feel better and she made you calm. She is now trained to stand by your side and follow you, she has always sensed your ADHD and would put her nose on your hand when you were having a panic attack. She made you feel better and safer being around people.

"Okay, now I just have to make a turn here and I'll be there." You said.

After a few minutes of driving, you were passing a bunch of nice and expensive-looking houses. "Dang, I knew Mark was famous but this is incredible."


-Amy's POV-

"Y/N is finally coming to visit! I haven't seen her in months." Amy cheered happily.

"It's nice we finally get to meet her," Mark said while sipping coffee.

"Well, she's kinda... standoffish at first. But she is really nice and caring. She even has a dog, who will be fast friends with Spencer and Chica." Amy said.

"Who's going to be friends with Spencer and Chica?" Said Ethan walking into the kitchen for a snack.

"Y/N and her dog. She's coming over later." Mark said while looking through his phone.

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