Meeting Everyone

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-Amy's POV-

"Hey, Mark!" I walked up to him and hugged him.


"Where's Tyler and Ethan?" I asked as I helped put groceries away.

"Tyler went to take a shower and Ethan had to take a call. Where's Y/N?" Mark said, putting milk in the fridge.

"Out on the patio. Before you meet her, know that she-" Mark cuts me off.

"Doesn't like to be hugged, shake hands, or make a lot of eye contact. You told me, Tyler, and Ethan this before."

"I just want her to know that she can trust everyone here. She's had a tough life, maybe when she meets Ethan she'll want to move in. He's energetic, loves Harry Potter, and loves dogs, it's perfect." I said while putting the cereal in the cabinet.

"It sounds like you are trying to set them up to fall in love." Mark laughed.

"I'm not. I just... want her to be happy."

-Y/N's POV-

"You're a good boy, Spencer." I was petting Spencer to help with the stress I have of meeting new people. I didn't really want to meet any of the guys, I've watched some of their YouTube videos and think they're funny but my issues always keep me from doing anything.

I could hear someone talking and it sounded like they were walking up to the backyard gate. The gate opens and I see a guy with platinum hair, blue skinny jeans, a black shirt with a yellow checkered, unbuttoned, long sleeve shirt, and air Jordan shoes.

"Yeah, I'll get my laptop tomorrow. Thank you. Bye."

He didn't notice I was sitting by the pool until Spencer barked to get his attention. "Bark! Bark!" The guy looked over and saw me and Spencer. He started walking over.

"Hey, Spencer! And I bet you're
Y/N?" He said while bending down to pet the happy doggo.

I started to feel nervous. "Yeah, and I assume you're Ethan?" I didn't want to seem rude by not looking at him so I tried to look in his eyes. I glanced for 3 seconds before I felt too uncomfortable and looked away. I saw that his eyes were a blue/green/hazel color which made my face heat up, why am I blushing over him? I don't trust guys.

"Yep. I see you met Spencer, he really likes you." Spencer walks back over to me and sits down.

I started to pet his ears and I noticed Ethan looking at me. I felt like he didn't want me petting Spencer so I stopped.

"Sorry," I said moving my hand away from Spencer. I feel like he doesn't want me here. Why am I here?

"For what? Spencer loves ear scratches." He started to pet Spencer.

I felt out of place here. I never felt like I belonged anywhere. I was usually by myself, I have a few friends but I only text them and sometimes hang out. I get overwhelmed being around a lot of people at once so why did I agree to come here?

"I love your hair. It's really unique." He bluntly said. I didn't know how to respond, I never liked compliments. I got a compliment once from a random guy and a narcissist told me that he just felt sorry for me and that's why he complimented me. Ever since that, I've always felt like a compliment was just sarcasm.

"Uh, thanks... I like yours too." I felt my face heat up. No, don't fall for it.

"Hello, Ethan! I see you met Y/N." Amy had come back outside after helping Mark put up the groceries.

"Yeah, we were just petting Spencer and talking."

"Dinner will be ready in an hour. I was wondering if you wanted to stay for dinner." Amy said.

I didn't like to be around a lot of people especially when I felt really depressed. I hardly wanted anything to eat when I felt like this, but what if she gets mad at me? I guess I'll just try and get through it.

"Sure. I guess it's fine." I said.

"Great! Ethan, please go wash up before dinner." Amy said.

"Ok, mom." Ethan said in a funny child voice.

Ethan got up and went back into the house. It's really sweet that Amy is basically like the parent of the group.

I didn't know what I was going to do sitting at the dinner table and having everyone there. I got lost in thought.

"Hey? You alright?" Amy asked.

I snap out of it. "Yeah. I'm fine." I lied.
I follow Amy back into the kitchen and see Mark.

"Hey, Mark this is Y/N." Amy introduced me.

"Nice to meet you. Amy has told us a lot about you." Mark said while sitting down at the kitchen island.

I just gave an awkward small wave and looked away.


Amy was setting the table while everyone else was playing Xbox in the living room. I was in the kitchen sitting at the island. "Calm down Y/N, it's just a few people, I hope I don't panic." I was talking to myself. I had gotten on my phone and was looking at YouTube.

Spencer had come running into the kitchen and sat by me again. "Hey, Spencer." I said as I give him head pats.

"Dogs really like you." Ethan said while walking into the kitchen, opening the fridge, and grabbing water.

"I really love dogs." I said. Wait... Did I just speak and not feel awkward?

"Amy told me you have a dog, what breed?" Ethan asked.

"She's a black German Shepherd. Her name is Sirius." I responded.

"Like Sirius Black from Harry Potter?" Ethan said with a smile.

"Yes, they're my favorite movies." I said. It's nice to have a conversation with someone who likes the same things as me. All my other friends don't like Harry Potter. Maybe being here isn't so bad.

-Ethan's POV-

I've only known Y/N for a few hours and yet I feel different around her. I noticed she wears a fidget ring, maybe she's very fidgety like I am, well I fidget because of ADHD, does she also?... Nah.

She looked really nervous when we were talking earlier but now she seems kinda used to it here. I think Spencer senses her nerves and is trying to comfort her, I'm glad she's here.

I want her to be comfortable here, I definitely want to hang out more and know her better.


-Y/N's POV-

It was dinnertime and everyone sat down at the table. Amy had made (Your favorite food) and everyone was happy. I was still uncomfortable eating in front of a lot of people but literally can't get out of this one. I had met Tyler earlier and he seems nice but my issues say don't fall for it, same with Mark, but I don't know about Ethan, he seems to always be happy and funny which makes it hard to trust because is anyone really that happy all the time?

"Amy, does any of this have peanuts?" Ethan asked. I guess he has an allergy.

"No. I checked all ingredients." She replied. Amy is very mothering which is sweet.

My phone started ringing.

"I'll take it in there." I said as I awkwardly left the table. I went into a bedroom and answered it.

"Hello?... Great! I'll pick her up in an hour! Thank you so much!" I hung up my phone and went back to the table to get my things.

"Sorry but I gotta go. I need to go pick up Sirius." I said as I left the room.

"Alright. Please come back tomorrow so we can meet her!" Amy yelled as I exited the front door.

This is great! I get to have Sirius by my side again, maybe she'll be able to help me feel more comfortable being here... Around Ethan...

Thank you for reading! The next chapter will be out soon!

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