06. the tribulations of inter-dimensional species

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CHAPTER SIX: the tribulations of inter-dimensional species_______________________________THE IRONY OF FATE HAD MANAGED TO BRING TWO OF OUR DEEPLY BELOVED STUDENTS AT HAWKINS HIGH TOGETHER

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the tribulations of inter-dimensional species

Was it a pleasure? Not so much. Was it torture? Also, not so much.

She always thought of Steve Harrington as the type of guy who flirted with any and every girl in sight. But over the last couple of days, she had learned a lot more about him than she would've ever expected. And even though he wasn't her number one preference for company, she didn't mind having him around. But please, do not tell her I said that.

After what felt like hours in hell, they finally made it to the Byers'. Hopper immediately began yelling at some random 'important' people on the phone, which wasn't very enjoyable to listen to. On the couch was Will Byers, Jonathan kneeling as he apologized for not being there for his brother. Valerie could sense the guilt and sorrow he felt. She could not imagine what he was going through. All the trauma that he had to endure was majorly overlooked, considering the current circumstances. She kneeled down beside him, putting a hand on his shoulder. "This isn't your fault, Jonathan. We're gonna get him back, I promise. That's why we're all here." Valerie sympathized. Jonathan gave her a weak smile, using the couch to get himself on his feet, and leaning his hands out to help Valerie up.

While Hopper was still yelling into the telephone, Steve was wandering in thoughts of his own. Meanwhile, Selina and Valerie were helping themselves to the bag of Halloween candy in the living room. "Hey. Pass me one of those Hershey's." Steve spoke from across the room, nudging his head towards the bag of candy. Valerie looked down, only to find one Hershey's left. "You're lucky I'm feeling generous today." Valerie tossed the candy bar to him. After fumbling the bar of chocolate about three times, he finally managed to get a hold on it. "Great catch! Only took you more than a couple of times." Valerie teased, opening another fruit-punch flavored lollipop. He pretended not to hear her, before throwing the wrapper directly at her. Considering it was an incredibly lightweight candy wrapper, it could only make it so far across the room before hitting the ground. "Still didn't catch it." Steve shrugged. "Mhm, yeah, I'll just run around the table to catch it next time!" Valerie playfully replied as she actually got up to throw the wrapper away.. She felt it was unprofessional to leave trash in a house that wasn't hers.

Hopper frustratedly slammed the telephone into the hook, which had gathered everyone's attention. "They didn't believe you, did they?" Dustin asked, his tone lacking hope. "We'll see." Hopper replied. "We'll see? We can't just sit here while those things are loose!" Mike spoke, not helping Hopper become any calmer. "We sit here, and we wait for help." Hopper replied sternly. He left the room, beginning to walk towards the hallway that lead to separate rooms.

Everyone gathered in the kitchen, sitting in the inexpressible silence of hopelessness and defeat. They waited for any type of lead, or even a phone-call of some kind. But soon they came to the realization that other than the witnesses of the demogorgon species, no one would believe them. All the complaints that Hopper had made would be forsaken, and forgotten about.

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