12. the thing about valerie..

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CHAPTER TWELVE:the thing about valerie

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the thing about valerie..

The thing about Valerie, was that she was always so secretive and reticent. It didn't matter the person, she could never see herself fully confiding in someone. The only person that Valerie could fully trust with all the confidential material of her life, was herself.

It wasn't a secret that Valerie's father had passed away just a couple of months after she was born. Although, Valerie didn't quite understand why she was still pretty sensitive to the topic. I mean.. she didn't even know the reasoning for his death. Because, let's just say.. she wasn't the only secretive one in her family.

Considering Melina gave birth to Valerie at seventeen, she was immediately kicked out of her house once her parents found out. So.. Melina decided it would be best to move in with Christopher, (Valerie's father). Believe it or not, everything had actually been going well. Valerie was healthy, being fed on a daily basis. Christopher and Melina were the perfect parental figures that every kid needed. I mean.. how could it get any better than that? Then, six months later, the next thing Melina knew was that her child's father had perished. And.. that's as far as the story goes for Valerie! That is all her mother ever shared to her about her father. Melina never shared any personality traits, or his looks, or their love story. She claimed that it was a traumatic event that she still hadn't recovered from, and that's why she never opened up about him. Poor Valerie. Like I've said in the past, not all of her wishes could come true!

After Valerie found the envelope, she called Selina, telling her she wouldn't see her until later that day. She came up with the excuse of taking care of Melina, who was hungover. Which, technically.. it wasn't an excuse. Her head had been stuck in the toilet for almost two hours. But she claimed that she didn't need anyone to take care of her, so Valerie just continued on with her day.

Melina had gone out to grab some Tylenol, leaving Valerie home alone. This would probably be the only time where she would be home alone, so she took advantage of it. She looked through her mom's drawers, looking for anything that might connect to the envelope. After the drawers, she visited every closet in the house. Still nothing. She began to lose faith, considering the shoeboxes were her last resort.

It came down to the very last shoebox. She lifted the top with very little faith, and let out a deep sigh when she found absolutely nothing. She sat on the ground for a couple of minutes, coming to terms with her defeat. She was in the middle of reorganizing the shoeboxes to the way they were originally placed, before the phone began to ring. She groaned as she got up to answer the phone, walking to the kitchen. She lifted the telephone to her ear, sighing before she spoke. "Hello?" Valerie spoke flatly. No response. She gave them a couple of seconds to respond, but she was only greeted with silence. "Do I know you, or something?" Valerie questioned. The sound of the telephone slamming back into the hook, followed by the disconnect tone was the only thing Valerie got out of that call. "Fuck my life."

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