Chapter Eleven

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He's been at the lab for almost two weeks now. At least, that's what The Doctor told him. Every morning, The Doctor comes in, greets him with a 'Good morning!' that's just a little too happy, and hooks up a new bag of green sludge to the tube in his belly. Izuku thinks that The Doctor had called it a G-tube, but he wasn't 100% sure.

Izuku doesn't get to do much. He mainly just sits in the lab with his 'food' and counts the ceiling tiles (there are 208 by the way). Sometimes, The Doctor will bring him some paper and crayons to use or maybe a book to read. The books he receives, however, are all little kid books like Green Eggs and Ham or Little Red Riding Hood. They're really old books too by the looks of them. Maybe Izuku can ask The Doctor to give him bigger books? Even The Doctor said he was really smart, so he should be able to read other books without any problems.

On another note, his body has been feeling kind of weird. He doesn't really feel sick, but his bones and muscles are sore and sometimes it feels like there are bugs crawling under his skin. Everytime he goes to scratch his arms to try to stop them from itching, The Doctor just pulls his hands apart and puts those gross, uncomfortable, white gloves on him. Basically, he's really just very uncomfortable. Izuku asked The Doctor if he knew what was happening, but the man only said not to worry about it.

It was a few days and a few chipper 'Good Mornings!' later, while The Doctor was doing his daily check up and getting a new bag set up, that Izuku voiced his questions. "D-Doctor?" The man hummed to show that he was listening. "I-I wa-wanted to a-ask i-if I c-could have some dif-different b-books to read." The Doctor looked up from the clipboard he'd been writing on and looked at the boy. "Why would you need different books Izukun? Aren't the ones I gave you good enough?" Izuku startled and rushed to answer. "O-of course! T-there's no-nothing w-wrong with t-the books y-you g-gave me, it's j-just that I al-already r-read t-them m-many t-times a-and I wa-wanted to r-read a b-bigger h-harder book. Maybe?" Izuku cringed, curling in on himself a bit. The Doctor continued staring at him, seemingly in thought. "Okay." The man said simply. "O-Okay?" Izuku questioned, confused. "I'll get you some harder books to read." The Doctor clarified. Izuku nodded. "T-thank y-you."

Sweat dripped down onto the floor. He was panting, trying to catch his breath. It was yet another day that The Doctor came into his room, as is routine, but instead of attaching a new bag to his tube, he told Izuku to follow him out and into a different space. It was nice to be able to walk somewhere and stretch his legs, but The Doctor hadn't told him where they were going or what they were going to do.

It turns out that The Doctor wanted to run some more tests. Usually tests included needles and gross medicine, but this time Izuku was surprised when The Doctor handed him a pair of shorts and a short sleeved shirt to replace his pants and long sleeved clothing. Izuku looked at the clothes, then up to The Doctor questioningly. "We are going to be doing some physical tests, like exercise. It shouldn't be too hard." Izuku's eyes widened slightly in realization, he liked doing exercise. He nodded and proceeded to get changed.

After, The Doctor directed him through a bland looking door, as he entered the door next to it. Izuku walked in and saw an indoor track and field. The grass was fake of course, but it was a field nonetheless. They started him off with an easy warm-up and took his resting stats, then they made him run as long as he could (which wasn't that long since he was still so small). They also had him do some other simple exercises like push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks. Izuku thinks he did pretty well. Well, for a five year old anyway.

Sweaty and gross, Izuku was just about ready to pass out. He was really tired, and hungry. The Doctor still hadn't given him his daily bag of food nor any water. A buzzer sounded through the room causing the boy to jump and stand alert. Then The Doctor's voice filtered on through the intercom. "Alright Izukun, we're done with today. One of my assistants will take you to get cleaned up and changed and then we'll set you up with food." Izuku nodded, having just barely caught his breath again.

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