"To The Dominion of India
I hope this letter reaches you at a convenient and eligible
time. I, the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics, wish to
meet your acquaintance. You may choose the time and date
but be mindful that I have a tight schedule to uphold to. I
would be most grateful if you were meet me as soon as you
I'll be eagerly waiting for your response.
Yours sincerely,
The Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics
'Yeah. yeah that looks good' Sevasteyan (Soviet) thought to himself. He didn't know why he needed to see him, but he just needed too.
"Have this delivered to India" he swiftly gave it to his accomplice.
"Ahh, didn't know you got this infatuated" he said smugly. Sevasteyan snapped towards him.
"F$#k off Arkady" he growled at him. Arkady jokingly raised his arms up.
"Oooo, sorry there. Someone got offended" though his smile still continued to linger.
Sevasteyan then looked away, to think. He couldn't stop thinking about that portrait. It's like, the portrait somehow hypnotized him. Sevasteyan now wants to meet the person, was it possible for a portrait to hypnotize you? He's heard a few things about India but, it couldn't be. Right?
"What they said- couldn't be true?" Sevasteyan mumbled.
"Hm?" Arkady blinked his eyes in confusion. Sevasteyan turned to him with a genuine confused expression.
"About India? They could be exaggerating? Right?" He asked for confirmation but Arkady only chuckled.
"Well, you have to see for yourself sir" he replied.
"India as a whole as been admired by many. From the infamous Mark Twain to Will Durant" Arkady remarked.
"You'll just have to see for yourself sir"
"To the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics
I thank you for the invitation to meet me. It would be an
honor to meet your acquaintance. I am aware of your ever
busy schedule and work. I propose a week from now at 4
pm (MSK). I will not dissatisfy your expectations.
Yours sincerely
The Dominion of India
Sevasteyan had already read the letter multiple times. But he couldn't stop. It was only a few words but he had no control over his own actions. His opulent handwriting and his respectable tone, it was, something Sevasteyan thought was admirable. Now, he was finally going to meet him. It was now or never.
"I'm sure it was just an exaggeration" he said off handly to nobody.
"They were just complimenting his beauty that's all"
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