(Surprise Pt 3)

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Darry and Soda were not happy with Two Bit. They ask why he couldn't have written his address on the note, but he replied that his mom would be working an all nighter and was afraid of looking after the baby by himself. Braid could see her friend look at her with pleading eyes. Hoping she would be on his side. Braid told the Curtis brothers that it was only for one night and she preferred him staying here. That way, she could show Keith all the ins and outs of looking after a baby. She remembered what Keith had said at the hospital about wanting a baby of his own. She grew a tad worried about that, seeing how close he was getting to this abandoned child. "Let's see him want a baby after caring for one all night" Braid said to herself as she set up the baby bath for the third time that day. "He won't be so keen when she's crying all night." It wasn't that she wanted Keith to fail, she was just scared that he would think being a father was easy. She wanted him to think carefully about his future. About knowing the difference between wanting and needing something in your life.

As all the gang arrived back at the Curtis house that night, they watched in amusement as they saw Two Bit struggle with each lesson Braid was giving him. They tried to conceal their laughter, but failed when they saw the little baby girl pee all down Two's t shirt. That unfortunately required another bath for her. Johnny was told he didn't have to stay that night (as Braid knew Two Bit would probably need the couch) but Johnny insisted on staying. He mentioned it was just in case her and Pony needed help feeding the babies, though really...he was bothered that Sodapop bathed and even fed the twins. Soda knew that Johnny wanted to do as much as he could for the twins, but yet he kept butting in and doing all the baby tasks. Even to the point where Johnny witnessed him turning down dates just to be the twins more. He knew he couldn't come straight out and tell Ponyboy and Braid about Sodapops behaviour. He decided to keep it quiet. At least for now.

As Steve and Dally left to go home, Two called his mom at her work to inform her about why he'd be spending the night at the Curtis house. Everyone could hear Mary's voice raise in shock over her son finding a baby. Though, Braid overheard her saying later on in the phone call; "well...if you love this little girl, just remember that you might have to hand her back over. I know you Keith, once you love something or someone with all your heart...you never want to let it go." This made Braid think as she fixed up the bassinet that Dally brought over from the loft. "Does Keith really love this baby girl? Does he actually care about her and want her?" That's when she turned and saw it. She saw her clowning, never taking anything too serious Keith, gently bouncing the baby in his arms as he gazed lovingly into her eyes. He even placed a kiss on her forehead. Just like he does with Ruby and Jason. "Keith?" Braid said softly.

"Yeah Becky?"

"This baby, what do ya feel when your around her?" Keith let out a small chuckle. He walked over to Braid and sat on the couch and replied; "I-I know it's crazy. I know ya won't believe me but, I feel something really special with her. Its...kinda the same feeling I got with you when we were kids. Or when I hold the twins. It's like that feeling, but times a hundred. It's like my heart will explode with happiness, even though my Mickey shirt will never smell the same again." Braid now laughed along with her friend. She continued smiling as he told her more about this feeling he had. "When I heard her cry in the treehouse, I felt this urge to protect whatever it was that was in trouble. I still can't believe she was all alone, hungry and cold in that box. I don't blame her mother. She was probably scared. Frightened and all alone, giving birth with no one to support her or hold her hand like what you had. I really hope she comes back for her. Even though, I'll miss this little cutie."

"What if she doesn't Keith? What if she doesn't walk through that door tomorrow and Darry makes ya call the pol-"

"Becky please. Don't say that. I mean, look at her." Both of them gazed down at the baby girl that was yawning from tiredness. "How could anyone walk away for good on a perfect sweetheart like her?"

"Well...certainly not someone who loves her as much as you pal." Keith smiled widely and nodded. There was no denying it. It was love at first sight. Even though this baby and Two Bit were the furthest apart in appearances, he felt only a love that a doting parent would feel. The same love Braid, Johnny and Ponyboy felt for the twins. As everyone was getting ready for bed, Two offered to sleep on the floor since he knew that Johnny had work tomorrow and that Jason will most likely be crying for milk ever few minutes. As Braid watched her son asleep in the bassinet and sharing it with the little guest, she saw them both start to cuddle each other. "Future best friends" she thought as she kissed her son goodnight, and whispered to the baby girl; "I hope you know how much Keith loves you. He's alright once ya get to know him."

As the night progressed, Jason cried for milk every two hours on the dot. It not only woke up Johnny, but Two Bit aswell. He tried joking with Johnny to lighten the mood. Saying how Johnny would be better off strapping Jason onto a cow for the next 6 months. He laughed, but Johnny just yawned repeatedly. He still wasn't use to his sons demanding feeding schedule. He felt awful thinking that he couldn't wait until the twins started on solids.

Then, it was Twos turn. At three in the morning, the whole house could hear a loud shriek. Twos baby girl was wailing like she did earlier that evening. He tried to remain calm and did the baby checklist Becky thought him. He smelled, her diaper was clean. He tried giving her a bottle, not hungry. He rubbed her back, not gassy. The only thing that was left was her wanting comfort. He walked back and forth up and down the living room, slowly loosing the will to keep going. "Please sweetheart, please go to sleep. I'll give ya anything. Just please stop crying and sleep." Johnny slowly opened one eye and whispered; "Two, try singing to her. Like a lullaby man." Two looked at Johnny in confusion. He couldn't remember any lullabies. He tried to remember a song. A song that he liked when he was younger.

Braid sat up in bed. She woke up to feed Ruby, but could hear Keith struggling with the baby. "I knew this was too much for him" she quietly said. "I'll go out and help him."

"Braid, have a bit of faith in Two Bit" Pony said in a tired voice as he took Ruby from Braid to burp her. "Hell, didn't he help look after Hannah?"

"Yeah, he gave her a bottle and changed her diaper now and again but always handed her back to Mary after a while. He's never been through stuff like this. Look, I'm gonna bring the baby in here an-" silence. Braid was cut off by sudden silence. "Thank God" Pony said with relief as he walked back to the crib with Ruby. Braid was worried. Wondering why the baby suddenly stopped crying. She got out of bed and slowly opened the door and peaked out. There, she saw her Keith lightly rocking the baby girl, while singing a familiar tune to her ears. "Lucille, you won't do your sister's will. Lucille, you won't do your sister's will. You ran off and left, but I love you still." Braid watched as the little baby stared up a Keith and slowly started drifting back to sleep. Instant memories came flooding back to her. She could remember Keith blasting Little Richard songs at full volume on Mary's record player as he spun her around. They would laugh so hard when they would hear the neighbours  banging on the walls to keep the noise down. Braid would forget about all her troubles when music would play. She smiled and slowly closed the door, but sighed getting back into bed. "I really hope that if the baby's mother comes back, she will see how much Keith loves her daughter" Braid said to an already passed out Ponyboy. "Maybe she'll even let him visit her. Otherwise...poor Keith's heart will be heart broken."

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