07 : Mommy (END)

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Rose pov:

I felt her hot breath on my lips and......

She didn't kiss me. Instead...she warned, but in the sexiest way possible.

Y/n: Park Roseanne, aren't you being a bad girl?
Rose: Only for you mommy.
Y/n: *backs off* What?
Rose: What?
Y/n: *comes close again* *low intimidating voice* If you whine again, I will punish you.

It was at that moment, that I realised I wasn't straight, because I was getting wet.
Now I know what y/n means by saying she'll punish me, she means that she'll make me wash the dishes and make me do more house work which I don't really do, it's always her who does it as she comes here everyday, gets mad seeing the dishes, washes the dishes, shouts on me, and goes away (I am clumsy af so I never wash the dishes as I know that when y/n will come she'll just wash them herself) but my dirty mind....god just how much I hated it at that moment.

Rose: *gulps* O-okay momm- I mean y/n.
Y/n: *whispers in her ear* Good, cuz you know what is your punishment gonna be right?
Rose: y-yeah.
Y/n:  *chuckles deeply* *smirks* Good girl.

She backs off after saying that, I wish she stayed near my lips more, but at the same time I am happy she backed off cause I was on the verge of kissing her.
She started applying the medicine again, for some reason, it wasn't hurting anymore, maybe because I was too lost in her beauty.
Those plump pink lips, those doe eyes, her soft grain coloured skin, her black shiny wavy silky hair, that cute small nose, the way her bangs would fall on her eyes, everything about her was just perfect.
Suddenly she looked at me, I could see her lips moving, she was speaking something, but I was too lost in her eyes to notice that. I just loved the fact that I could see my whole world in her eyes.
I knew that she was the one.
Her lips stopped moving, I think she stopped speaking, she kept looking in my eyes, I kept looking in hers.
It was at that exact moment that I realised that....

Back to present-

Y/n: .....that you were in love with me?
Rose: *softly chuckles* Yeah, and that's the story of how I fell in love with you.
Y/n: *smiles* Gosh, this is so extremely sweet.
Rose: *smiles* You're too.
Y/n: *chuckles*
Rose: But there's this one thing that I am still not able to figure out.
Y/n: What?
Rose: Why were you behaving with me so differently that day?
Y/n: Differently? What do you mean?
Rose: Your lips were just 2 cm away from my lips, you touched my thigh, you slid your hand on my waist, don't you think that's......different?
Y/n: Oh, I was actually trying to scare you.
Rose: *laughs loudly* How the actual fuck is that scary?! That's sexy!
Y/n: *embarrassed* *awkwardly laughs*  I was really immature that time Rose, I didn't know that the way I was acting would be termed 'sexy'.
Rose: Immature? *chuckles* And you? Don't you remember how much Mr. Min Yoongi praised you that day.
Y/n: *smiles* Yeah...how can I forget that, he really was the best principal wasn't he?
Rose: *pouts* He was, I miss him.
Y/n: Me too.
Rose: I wonder what he is doing now.
Y/n: *lightly chuckles* Don't you know who is the real man behind Agust D?
Rose: Who?
Y/n: *smiles* Find that out yourself.

*ding dong*

Y/n: Oh! Who's it at this time?
Rose: It might be the food I ordered.
Y/n: Huh? When did you order?
Rose: *stands up and goes to open door* When you were too lost in listening to my story.


7 years later-
Author pov:
Y/n was now the CEO of the company she worked in (Jisoo was the COO now) and Rose was her manager and personal assistant.
Everything was going fine, really fine, until one day.....

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