Chapter 5

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This chapter is dedicated to ElizabethTS for being a great friend! Love you!

Another Sorting - Knowing The Well Known

Hermione walked through the front doors. She had come by boat with the first years. Being a transfer student, she was supposed to have her first look from the boats. Though the castle was so familiar to her, she couldn't help but feel new. She was going to start another year at Hogwarts. Just like any eleven year old, she felt out of place. Probably more than them, because she was the only seventh year in the group- standing tall, waiting to be sorted.

As they entered the Great Hall, she looked over to the Gryffindor table. The four girls waved at her, showing thumbs up. She waved back. Diverting her eye away from them, she caught sight of the Marauders and Harry. Harry looked towards her in casual motion, as if he was just eyeing the first years. He gave a reassuring look, which wasn't noticeable if she hadn't been staring at him. Quickly, she diverted her gaze towards the others. The Marauders were talking to Harry, no wonder comparing his looks to James's. They were probably cracking some jokes about them being long lost twins or something. Hermione saw James shaking Harry's hand, pointing at his face, and then towards his own. Hermione hid a smile. Harry must be enjoying being with the Marauders. She only hoped that wouldn't do something reckless to Pettigrew.

No, Harry knows they're here to change the future, he wouldn't be reckless- she thought, reassuring herself. That's when Professor McGonagall called her name.

"Granger, Hermione!"

Being the transfer student, she was going to be sorted first. This is it then.... lets face it.

Hermione sat on the stool as Professor McGonagall slipped the sorting hat. Instantly, it started to speak in her mind.

"Ahh, Miss Granger! I knew you were coming.... better put you in the same house as Mr Potter. As much as you're well-suited for Ravenclaw, the task you're undertaking requires you to be in.... GRYFFINDOR!"

Hermione mentally congratulated herself and sighed in relief. Surviving in past, as hard as it was, would be harder if she wasn't in Gryffindor, or if she wasn't in the same house as Harry. She made her way towards the Gryffindor table. Lily had made her a place there. She was now sitting between Remus and Lily. Alice was sitting on the other side of Lily, and Marlene and Mary were on the other side. James was on the other side of Remus. Pettigrew, Sirius and Harry where sitting on the opposite side of the table. Lily looked mildly annoyed by the Marauders sitting so close.

"Welcome." Remus greeted Hermione politely. Sirius extended his hand towards her, as he gave her a dazzling smile.

"Hermione, is it? I am Sirius Black." He said with a wink. "I..."

"Cut it out, Sirius." Remus commented. Lily on the other hand, was glaring at Sirius and James.

"Black..." Lily started threateningly, "if you try any false moves on my new friend, I'll cut off your balls and feed them to the giant squid. Understand?"

Sirius withdrew his hand, but was apparently unfazed as he winked at Hermione. Besides him, Hermione noticed Harry choking on a glass of water.

"These are only introductions, Evans." James smiled from besides Remus. "Hi, I am James Potter." He told Hermione.

"Hermione Granger." She shook his hand.

"You've already met me." Remus said. "This is Sirius, that is Peter."

"Strangely enough," James cut in, gesturing towards Harry, "this boy isn't my twin brother. He is my long lost..."

"I am Harry Potter," Harry cut in. "I am a transfer student like you. And I'm... not related to James." He finished. Hermione shook his hand, mentally praising him for his convincing act.

"Nice to meet you." Hermione said as the feast approached an end.

"I bet the pleasure is all his." Sirius commented lamely as James and Remus laughed. Harry turned slightly pink.

"Are you one of their new member?" Lily's strong voice inquired from besides Hermione. Lily looked positively intimidating, with her fiery red hair flowing around her, and 'Head Girl' badge gleaming on her robes.

"Uh...I..." Harry seemed to be struggling for speech.

"No, Evans." James answered for Harry. "We don't know if he's of our league or not yet. Right now, he is merely my look-alike with green eyes and an extra scar."

This statement, no doubt was a sign of arrogance. But Harry looked relieved for not having to answer. Hermione, however, got pissed off.

"What do you mean by he's merely your look-alike?" Hermione said. "You cannot say something like that about someone!"

James's smirk faded.

"If I were you, I'd watch who I was talking to, new girl." Sirius said. "You're new here, I suggest you do not talk to us like that."

"Only Evans has the right to talk to me like that." James said. "Speaking of Evans, are you willing to go out with the new head boy?" He gestured towards the badge on his robes.

Lily looked so angry that she almost fumed. Marlene answered for her.

"No luck yet, Potter. You have to work harder."

James looked like he had expected it, he just shrugged and with the other Marauders, left the hall. Harry grinned at them apologetically, which was polite, but Lily shot him a suspicious look. Harry walked out slowly, patting towards his pocket as he left.

Suddenly, Hermione understood his gesture. She hadn't realised her pocket was growing warm. She brought out her communication sickle from her pocket, and saw the words written along the circumference.

'Meet me at the common room fire, 1 a.m.'

"Looks like its time to go." Lily said. "You guys go ahead, I'll have to stay until The Great Hall is empty, since Potter isn't much upto the task."

With that, Mary, Marlene and Alice left to the common room. Hermione followed.

Guys, no excuses, but sorry for my lateness. Was the chapter worth it? Please let me know. Keep reading!

Love you all! :)

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