Chapter 7

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This chapter is dedicated to @AmandaRickon for reading both of my stories, and being an amazing supporter. Thank you.

He didn't know why he was standing on a cliff. The cliff was surrounded by water, waves crashing on the rocks. The place seemed oddly familiar, but unfriendly. He just couldn't put a finger on it.

"Are you sure this is the place?" He heard a voice speaking besides him. He looked around to find Hermione besides him, her arms around herself. She looked almost blue of cold. That was when it hit him - it was the cave where he had found the locket, with Dumbledore. And also, he was awfuly cold.

"Postive." He heard himself say, his teeth chattering. It was becoming increasingly colder by second. Vaguely, he wondered as to why he was wearing just a shirt and jeans, and why he was not buried in overcoats and blankets. Surely, he wouldn't have come here without some sort of sweater or something? Then again, why was Hermione wearing just a T-shirt and jeans? Surely she'd have more sense to bring something warmer. Then again, where was his wand?

"Come on, we need to go!" Hermione tugged at his arm. Go where, he tried to ask, but he couldn't speak. The coldness seemed to have sealed his lips together. On the other hand, Hermione was tugging his hand.

"Come on!"

The whole landscape become blurry in front of his eyes. He heard other voices, very faintly.

"Padfoot! You're making it snow!"

"Tell Prongs to get up!"

"That's not Prongs! That's Harry's bed! Prongs sleeps on that one now!"

"Moony! What's the counter charm?!"

Harry opened his eyes with difficulty, only to discover that he was drenched to the skin - through his layers of blanket. It was snowing heavily from the ceiling over his bed. Sirius was waving his wand frantically, trying to make it stop. Remus was scowling, trying to teach the proper pronunciation of the counter charm. James was eyeing them from a distance, amused. He was already dressed. Suddenly, Peter noticed him from a distance.

"You are freezing!" He came up to him dragged him away from the drenched bed sheets and blanket.

"Wassgoingon?" He asked, his teeth chattering, also kind of stunned that Peter would try to help him. He was one of the last persons he expected to come forward to help.

"Sirius thought that you were James at the morning. His vision was hazy, and James used to sleep on that bed. He was trying to snow over James." Peter explained, handing him a towel. Meanwhile, Remus and Sirius had managed to stop the snowfall over his bed.

"Are you better?" Remus asked, "I am really sorry about that. Sirius is just a butthead."

"You guys carry on! I'll just go down to meet Evans!" James shouted from the corner, before going down the stairs. So much for being a caring father. As for his godfather, he was grinning from the side of the bed goofily.

He dried himself, and managed to stop his teeth from chattering. He changed into his own comfortable shirt, and left the wet clothes to dry. He gathered his textbooks, which they had brought from the future. Thinking about that, he really hoped that no one would pay attention to the publishing year.

They went down to dinner, where James was sitting alone. Apparently Lily wasn't impressed enough to let him sit besides her. The Marauders went to sit together, but they didn't invite him. Not wanting to disturb them, he sat a little further.

"Are you related with Potter somehow?" He looked up from his bacon to see that it was Mary McDonald who had asked the question. She was sitting with Lily, Marlene and Alice. Hermione was with them too, but she was mostly quiet.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2015 ⏰

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