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sadie: im outsideee

Chris suddenly feels nervous. He looks at himself in Madi's full body mirror and smooths out his white button-up. His light washed jeans look okay, his AF1's are as pristine as they can be and the silver chain around his neck, still shines as the day his mom bought it for him.

"C'mere." Madi says as she approaches with a brush.

She starts to comb his hair, so it looks more slicked back and like he actually put some effort in. She smiles to herself and nods.

"Now go."

He lets out a breath and steps out of her room. Nick and Matt are outside, they take a look at him and give him a thumbs up.

"You look good, kid." Matt says.

"Thanks." Chris simply answers.

"Go! She's outside!" Nick hurried him out the door. The moment they open it, Chris catches Sadie stepping out of her car.

He sees her legs first, with some expensive-looking black heels on her feet. Then her dress, grey with some red and green pattern and stopping mid thighs. Her hair looks styled, and her makeup is simple but flattering.

"Walk, you idiot!" Chris hears one of his brothers say behind him in between their teeth.

"Hey, guys!" She greets them happily, hugging each of the triplets. "How are you?"

"Great! You?" Matt answers cheerily.

"I'm good, thanks." She looks at Chris and he could've sworn he stopped breathing. Up-close, Sadie was even more stunning, borderline perfect, like a doll. "You ready?"


"Cool, we'll see you later guys!" The blonde girl grabs his hand and pulls him to her car. "What's up with you?" She asks him once they're inside of the vehicle.

"You just-... damn. You know?"

"Huh?" Sadie tilts her head, frowning.

"I mean, you look so..." The words get stuck in his throat when she smiles and looks at him through her eyelashes. "Fucking beautiful."

Sadie blinks quickly for a second before grabbing him by the collar and pulling him towards her. Chris feels her lips grazing his.

"I want to kiss you so bad, but I'm wearing lipstick."

"Who cares?" He puts a hand on the back of her head and pulls her in. Kissing her softly, he hears Sadie sigh into the kiss, the hold on his shirt loosens and then the boy feels her cold hand on his chest. "Pretty." He calls her without thinking.


"We should go." Sadie opens her eyes, looking like she forgot they were parked outside of Madi's place.

"Oh... yeah." She chuckles and turns the car on. "Do you want to put some music?" Sadie hands him his phone as she starts driving off.

Chris nods and goes through her Spotify playlists, he picks one named 'disney gold' and She's So Gone immediately starts playing through the speakers.

"Oh my God, me and my brothers watch this movie all the time."

"Me too! It's honestly so good, this and Let It Shine."

"Let It Shine slaps, I think it's my favorite Disney movie." He says, laying his arm on the space between their seats. Sadie grabs his hand and plays with his fingers. "What's yours?"

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