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"You have no idea how miserable I was yesterday." Chris says as soon as Sadie opens the door.

"Good." She crosses her arms.

"I— can I come in?" He watches her hesitate. "Okay... got it." The boy shifts his weight uncomfortably. "I came here to say sorry. I'm stupid, you know that. It's not an excuse."

"You are horrible at this."

"I'm shitting my pants." He admits. "You always do this to me."

Sadie rolls her eyes.

"I'm over this. Bye, come back with a better apology next time." She's about to close the door when he stops it with his hand.

"Wait, I'm not done!" That makes Sadie back away from the entrance to let him in. Chris closes the door behind him and stays away from her. "I'm sorry about everything. For listening to what people say and... treating you differently."


"Okay?" He asks. "Just... 'okay'?"

"Yeah. It's a half-assed apology, Christopher." She walks towards the kitchen with Chris behind her and sits on top of the counter. "I'm not accepting that. I deserve better."

Chris runs a hand through his hair and sighs.

"I'm sorry for making you feel however I did. I'm dumb and I projected my own insecurities onto you. I'm not happy with myself and that's something I need to work on, so I listened to what people say because I want to... be liked." She frowns at his words. "I want people to think that I deserve you."

"It doesn't matter if they think you deserve me. It won't be true unless you believe it."

"Well I know that now. I actually spent the whole day crying because I was terrified of losing you." He smiles a little. "I want to deserve you."

"You know you do." She says in a soft voice, already budging. "Listen, I know my worth, I wouldn't be with someone who I think doesn't deserve me." Sadie looks at him. "And while we still need to work through our issues, I don't want to break up."

Chris feels like he can breath normally again, tension releases from his shoulders.

"Holy shit I was about to get on my knees and beg." He chuckles nervously.

"So... uhm, about Camila-"

"I told her to fuck off." Chris interrupts.



They stay quiet for a few seconds.

"Come home with me." He says out of nowhere. "I leave tomorrow."

"What?" She frowns. "To Boston?"

"Somerville, yeah." He scratches his neck. "I want you to meet my family and my friends and... you know, be together. Away from L.A." He clarifies.

"I don't know, Chris..." She pauses. "Maybe it's best if we stay away from each other for some time."

"No, yesterday was enough for me. Besides, when you start filming for Cobra Kai we'll have plenty of space." He finally shortens the distance between them, pressing his hands against her thighs. "Please, Sadie, come home with me."

"I have to train."

"You can take 10 days off, I'm sure." He chews on the inside of his cheek. "Please." He repeats.

She looks at the ceiling and lets out a deep breath. Then, she faces him with uncertainty.

"Okay." Sadie cringes. "But— forgiveness doesn't mean forgetting." She puts a hand on his chest right as he's about to pull her down for a kiss. "And we're setting some boundaries."

"Which means?"

"Separate beds."

"What? What does that have to do with... anything?" He asks.

"Well, we're slowing down the pace of our relationship, I think it'll be good for us." Sadie argues, although she doesn't even sound convinced.

"You're not telling me something." He squints his eyes.

She groans. "I'm not."

"Spill it."

"I think one of the main reasons you were... uncomfortable with what people said about me is because... I'm not..." She trails off, hoping he'll get what she means.

He does and his eyes widen as his cheeks blush.

"Oh God." He almost chokes on his words. "That's not— fuck." Chris struggles. "I honestly didn't even... thought of that."

"Oh." She says awkwardly. "Do you still think it's true?"

"No." He immediately answers. "And even if it is..." Chris watches her shoulders tense. "I don't care."

"It's not." She cleared her throat. "The rumors, I mean. They're not true."

"You don't have to explain yourself to me."

"I know, I just... felt like it. If we're going to do this right, you should know the truth."

They stay in silence for a moment before Chris breaks it.

"Are we really sleeping in separate beds?"

Sadie throws her head back and laughs loudly.

"Yes." She said once she calmed down. "It's your punishment for making me cry."

"You cried?" His smile disappears. "Because of me?"

"You broke my heart a little... enough to consider breaking up." Sadie jumps off the counter.

"I'm sorry."

"It's... not okay, actually." She pauses. "But we'll get over it. Right?"

He nods.

Sadie doesn't really let him touch her that night, or the next day. Or the one after. And Chris knows their problems just snowballed until they couldn't handle it and the big white ball pf issues imploded in their faces.

But when they pick her up for the airport and she squeezes his hand gently on the car ride, he knows it'll work out.

He just hopes he'll know how to get there.

a/n: i just want to clarify, sadie and chris are back-ish together. they still need to go through some things to be fully okay, but for now they're somewhat good.

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