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"We should go to the beach." Nick says as they all watch Outer Banks the morning after Chris' first time in Sadie's apartment.

"Oh my God, yes!" Sadie says. "I just bought a new bikini and I've been dying to put it on!"

"Can I see it?" Madi asks, Sadie nods with excitement and shows her a picture. The brunette blushes and opens her mouth. "That can't be called a bikini, Sadie!"

Now Chris wonders what the piece of clothing looks like.

"Yes it is! It covers everything that needs to be covered." She smiles. "It's more for Chris than anything." She adds after his brothers shoot her a curious look. Their faces turn red at the last comment and Chris almost chokes on his orange juice.

"W-What?" He manages to ask.

"I'm kidding." Sadie smiles. "And the swimsuit is not that bad." She says that to Madi, who simply shrugs.


Sadie gets to the beach last. When she walks towards them, they're all there already.

"Sorry, the audition took longer than I expected." She says as soon as she stops in front of them. Nick looks up from his towel and smiles excitedly.

"How did it went? It's so cool that you're an actress, have I told you that?" He says.

"It went great, honestly. But you never really know with this stuff." She says. Chris walks towards her and kisses her on the cheek. "Hi."

"Hi." He says as he helps her lay down her towel.

"Sunny Suljic is here." Madi says, popping a watermelon piece in her mouth. "He's with Lee."

Sadie doesn't react, but Chris rolls his eyes. His face drops when she undresses and is left in her bikini. The boy can't do anything but blink slowly and take in the view.

"Yeah, Lee invited me with them." She says, dropping to her knees and folding her clothes. "I said no, obviously."

"You could've invited them." Nick says, tilting his head and enjoying the chilly air.

"I don't think that will be necessary." Matt points to a group of boys headed to them. He stands up and high fives Lee when they all stop at their spot.

"Hi, I'm Sunny." The boy says to everyone in a neutral tone. His eyes trail Sadie's body, she doesn't care, but once again, Chris does. "Hey." He says directly to the blonde.

"Haven't seen you in a while." She smiles. "What have you been up to?"

"Skating, you know I don't really act anymore." He plops down in front of the girl. "You?"

Chris walks over to Matt and Lee (and two other guys). His brother makes almost a guilty face when he approaches them.

"What?" He asks annoyed.

"Come here." Matt takes him a few steps down from the group. "Okay, so, you know how Talia said Sunny and Sadie hooked up?"

"Hooked up?" He frowns. "That's way different than making out." He glances at Sadie, she has his hoodie on now.

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