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for some reason this chapter got deleted so i had to rewrite it. things are different than the first version of this but the gist of what happens is more or less the same!


"What are we having for lunch?" Sadie asks as she plops down on the triplet's couch.

"Wingstop!" Matt tells her from the kitchen "Nick and I are going to pick it up."

"Yum" she smiles. "How much-"

"Do not even try to pay, it's on us" the boy says.

"Thank you" she says. "Where's Chris?"

"Showering" Nick says as he comes out of his room. "You should go to his room, he takes forever."

"Okay" she stands up. "Drive safely, guys."

"Thanks, see ya'" they both say as they leave and close the door behind them.

Sadie makes her way to Chris' room and jumps on his bed, landing on something hard that causes her to bite back a pained groan.

"Fuck" she whispers as she pulls out Chris' phone from under her body. She checks for any damage, a wave of relief wash over her as she notices nothing on it.

She's about to put it on his nightstand when the screen lights up.

"what time are u coming

Her stomach churns.

Then, another one comes in.

"also, conan is visiting his family
so it'll just be us :)"

She scrambles to sit up on his bed when she hears the water turning off. Quickly she leaves the phone where it was, facing down and moves to the other side of the bed.

Chris comes out of the bathroom just as Sadie manages to unlock her phone and open Tiktok.

"Hi" he says happily.

"Hi" she answers, her heart threatening to beat put of her chest. "Matt and Nick went to pick up our food."

"Great, I'm starving" he turns to his dresser. Sadie hears him opening some drawers. "Let me get dress and I'll be out in a sec."

She nods even though he can't see her.

She texts Talia and tells her what happened, her best friend immediately replies.

talia🥰: what



ask him if he's doing anything

if he tells u he's hanging
out with camila go crazy on him

if he lies go crazy on him and

She writes back 'fuck me. k. ttyl'

The blonde glances back to his side of the bed, his phone was gone. She's not sure how long it takes Chris to come out of the bathroom again, but when he does, he's wearing sweats and a t-shirt.

"What are you guys doing later?" she asks

"Uh... nothing, I think" he answers. "Why?"

She gets off the bed like it's on fire.

"I need to go."

"What? Why? What happened?" he walks to her but Sadie steps away from him. His eyes widen.

"I need space" she tells him, trying so hard for her voice to not break. "I..."

Chris didn't exactly owed her anything. Does Sadie have any right to ask for an explanation? She struggled with herself. Besides, she sort of went through his phone without his permission, did that not cancel it out?

"Did I do something wrong?"

Sadie snaps her attention back at him.

Fuck it.

"Why are you lying?"


Somehow the fact that he doesn't get it, infuriates her more.

"I asked if you were doing anything later and you said no. You lied to me Chris. I know you're meeting up with Camila" her eyes watered.

"How..." he looks at her with disbelief. "You went through my phone?"

"I didn't mean to! I just wanted to put it in your nightstand and she texted you at the same time, so... I... I didn't mean to" she looks at the floor.

"Jesus, Sadie" he says. "That's fucked up."

"It was an accident!" when she looks at him, her face is flushed. "You fucking lied to me so you could go with Camila! Now that's fucked up!"

"We're just friends!" he says, exasperated. "Now I can't hang out with other girls?"

"Oh my God!" she throws her head back and laughs. "You're unbelievable! That's not the fucking problem!" Sadie grabs her phone and starts walking to the door.

Chris panics.

"Wait. Don't go."

"You having friends that happen to be girls is not the issue here, it's Camila, okay? If you can't see anything wrong with that then I don't know what to tell you."

She leaves then. His feet rooting him in place.

What just happened?


chris💘: sadie

im sorry

can we talk?

6:23 pm.

chris💘: please

10:56 pm.

chris💘: i fucked up

i know

im sorry

9:43 am.

chris💘: good morning

i know everything's weird

we're going to lee's party
and matt told me u r
going too so

i'll see you there?

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