In Between Two worlds

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I'll be using POVs now qwq

Beanie's POV
As I everything went black, I opened my eyes to see what that bright light was, I was stunned to see a beautiful tower, with alot of Angel's flying around, ones with a bow, ones holding babies in a blanket and just guard ones around the opening, I jumped towards them "excuse me....where am i?"
One of the guards looked at me "your in heaven, are you new little one?"
I nodded my head "I was with my family and took a 'pill' I don't know what that is tho" both of the guards gasped and the one who told me where I was grabbed me by my hand and he got his wings to flap as I held on to his hands, showing no fear nor was I scared, just confused, finally we landed in front of some golden gates "um, why are we here sir?" I ask, as he let go of me and I sat on the clouds "stay here, I'm gonna go get GOD, he'll help you pure soul out" he then left me there as I touched the puffy clouds, I made myself a cloud kitty and doggy but couldn't stop thinking about my family, poor mommy and daddy, I hope they are fine, Amy is probably happy without me....
"What do we have here" said a voice, I looked up and saw a men with a white beard and wearing a white nightgown
"W-who are you?"
I ask scared this guy might hurt me, I don't want pain...
"Worry not child, I'm here to protect you and give you a home, I heard from under us that a child was mistaken to be here but due to the rules, you can't go back home...I hope you understand little one" this guy picked me up and as he told me this, my first thought was that child was me...but not everything is about me
"I'm GOD, you are under everyone's protection till we give you a new home, and you'll be watched over personal by my trusted guard, GUARDIAN!" as GOD said this guys name, I looked to my left, and there was a angel with blonde hair and different color clothes

"Guardian, please spend some time with our new little angel, you are in charge of her, keep her safe and no harm will be done to her, I'll find her a good home alright" I said as I give Beanie to Guardian and
"Yes sir" guardian said as he left with Beanie, I watch them leave and went up to my magic ball to look for a good family and home for this child, I feel so bad for her, having her sister lie and being treated poorly by that brat, I don't normally hate a child nor other people but she had no right to treat Beanie like that, I just need to clear my mind

As days turn into months, GOD still couldn't find Beanie a home until one day..

Beanie's POV
As I chased guardian around, I laughed, I had more fun here then anything, I forgot which way he went and ended up by a tree and saw some sticks and grabbed them, suddenly they were lit and I got scared, i burnt my first finger and watched as the stick that had burn me, set the tree into flames, some dark clouds appeared and I yelled for help "BEANIE!?" I heard Guardian yelled for me and I turned around and I couldn't see him anywhere "BEANIE STAY THERE" i did as i was told and still couldn't see him, then someone picked me up and threw me out of where the tree was and I landed softly on the clouds but I was as Guardian was trapped and couldn't get out "Beanie...go, i won't make it..."
Guardian said as he was coughing, I didn't know what to do but cry, run and look for GOD "GOD! HELP, GUARDIAN IS IN PAIN, PLEASE HELP ME!!" GOD Then appeared, grabbed me and we went to where guardian was but it was to late, GOD said he was gone, I began to cry, while blocking my eyes "Beanie.. it wasn't your fault, someone somehow told you get here, this wasn't your fault, but I was looking for you guys- You, because I found a family, I'll be able to put your soul in thier unborn baby, that is if your really for the real world?"
I looked down, then at guardian, remembering what he told me the other day "if GOD finds you a family, you have to be the strongest and helpful person I know you are" he said as he pat my head so I'll do just that "yes GOD, I'm ready for my new family" GOD then held my hand as we walked over to a orb looking thing and told me, I'll forgot about everyone here and what happened, I accepted it and before i knew it, I opened my eyes in a new body

omg my longest Chapter, hope yall like it 💀

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