Letting go and moving on

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After K.K told Beanie how she met hella and what hella went though.

Beanie accepted them as her new family, one she trusted more then Them.

Beanie was walking back to her old household, waiting to break the news that shes leaving to move in with K.K and Hella.

The only issue is her original household isn't the nicest people in a family, mainly her mother.

"I remember when getting up for my birthday, seeing my brother and dad have pancakes out for me, made my day, mother never really called to wish me a happy birthday even tho she worked at a gas company, she can come home and say the words but it wasn't hard to call and wish your ACTUAL Daughter a happy birthday, all she cared about was Katelynn and William"

Beanie Thought as she was Walking down the watered sidewalks.

She never had time with her mother unless choking your daughter due to the room being a mess, a Mother daughter time, its normal for Beanie to be lost in her thoughts but she looked to the side where she saw kids playing in the rain and saw a pink bunny all by herself.

She knew what it was like to be alone so Beanie reached into her hoodie and took out a happy meal from McDonald's, she walked over to the gate of the orphanage and whispered to the pink bunny.

"Hey, pstt, little bunny" the bunny looked up with a confused and sad expression on her face, she looked back and forth, then walked over to the gate where Beanie was.

"Here take this, it's not much but, it should make you happy" Beanie handed the happy meal towards the pink bunny and made sure no one else took it from her.

"M-ma'am you didn't have to-" The bunny said

"No but I wanted to, oh crap" Beanie checked the time "I'm gonna be late, mother is gonna kill me" beanie ran before The Bunny could ask for her name.

At he I mean Home

"Hey I'm back" no response, makes sense since her father would be watching Football at this time of day, her brother was probably out with his friends, her mother at work.

Her niece and nephew however were in the playroom, she hoped they didn't break her bed.

Beanie sat down and looked outside her window, she saw her ducks and went to check and correct thier eggs.

This was her normal routine, it'll be broken as soon as everyone is home and ready to listen " I doubt it, I can't be free from this hellhole not unless I go missing" she thought as she was petting the ducks.

A few hours went by and Beanie felt her Mother walk into the house, she got up and walked back inside, her mother was asking Dad if anything was wrong Beanie over heard something that catched her attention.

"Well Vicky, I felt like Beanie is hiding something from us but I'm not so sure,  I would ask her myself but she hasn't been talking to any of us since she got home" said her dad.

"Crap, crap, now is the time to make a run for it" she opens a portal to K.k and hella, she was already done packing, before anyone could find her, she went though the portal and had landed on K.k.

"oh my gosh, so sorry k.k" She helped her Adopted mother up and dusted herself while helping.

"So how did it go?-"

"I didn't tell them" beanie said without fear.

"Wha why not?"

"Because, it wasn't like they would let me go that easy, have you seen my so called sister Kim, they hate her guts just like they'll do with me.." beanie sat down with her hands under her chin.

Every got better from that day, until the next Week would be hell for her.

A/n: hi everyone, sorry I haven't been updating this as much, not alot of people are actively reading these, but I'm now doing this to fill in some lore and questions that will be useful later in stuff, bye now 🐂💖

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