Sons of Anarchy [Juice Ortiz] pt. 2

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You'd been living in Bakersfield for a little over six months now and you couldn't picture being anywhere else. Your neighbors, especially Elena, were all lovely and friendly. You got to see a hot biker or two every now and then, and even made friends with said bikers.

Happy had taken full advantage of you being friends with his mother and having your number and texted you every Sunday afternoon to see how she was doing.

It's Friday night, after you've had dinner with Elena, and you've just finished helping her clean up before you take your leave. And after one too many yawns, she swats at you with one of her dish towels.

"Ve a casa y duerme un poco. Has estado trabajando toda la semana." (Go home and get some sleep. You've been working all week.)

"Yeah, yeah. I'm going." You walk towards the door, hesitating before you push it open. "I have errands to do tomorrow, but Sunday I'm driving over to my dad's for dinner. Do you want to go with me?"

"No sé.." (I don't know.)

"Well sleep on it. If you want to get out of the house, you're more than welcome to tag along." You smile at her before pushing open the door, brow furrowing when you spot the vehicle sitting directly in front of her house. For some reason warning bells immediately go off and your heart drops into your stomach when you see the window roll down.

There's a glint in the moonlight and you quickly backpedal into Elena's home.

"Gun! Elena, get down!"

Gunshots ring out, aimed right where you were standing, and you fall backwards as Elena screams. You roll around on your back, kicking the wooden door closed as splintered wood falls on you. It seems like it goes on forever, as you crawl towards Elena who'd knocked over her coffee table and laid behind it, but really it's only a handful of seconds before you hear tires screeching and the sound of a car's engine driving away.

"Elena, ¿estás bien?" (Elena, are you okay?)

When she glances up at you, your heart aches for the woman with a tearstained face. She nods, but her gaze drops down from your face. "Mija, estás sangrando." (You're bleeding.)

When you glance down and see blood dripping down from your chest, the pain kicks in. You know panicking never helps a situation, but you can't help it. "Call 911. 'Lena, call 911!"

You see the dish towel Elena had moments ago, grabbing it and moving so you're laying on your back. You immediately press it to your wound, trying to regulate your breathing since you can actually feel it getting shallower and shallower.

As Elena makes her way to her phone that's hanging on the wall, you pull out your own from your pocket. Quickly bringing up Happy's contact, you send him two texts back to back before setting your phone aside and resting your eyes.


The Sons down in Charming are enjoying their Friday night to the best of their ability. Ever since Clay had been taken out, and Gemma not that long after him since her botched attempt on Tara's life, Jax got the club on a semi-decent path. They still dabbled in some pretty illegal stuff, but they were a lot more calculated about it to prevent any more brothers doing time.

A few of the patched brothers are drinking some beers, talking about random shit as some sweetbutts try to entice a few of them back to their dorms when Happy's phone beeps from inside his kutte. No one thinks anything of it, at least not until he pulls out his phone and then promptly shoves the sweetbutt who'd been walking her fingers up and down his thigh away from him.

"What's up, Hap?" Jax asks, having felt the change in atmosphere the moment Happy read whatever was on his phone.

"My Ma's neighbor texted." He pushes a button before pressing his phone to his ear.

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