Officially friends now

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-Chapter 3-


Argh, not yet. Just a few more minutes. I need to sleep for just a few more minutes. I reached for my phone on my nightstand and turned it off instead of snoozing it. Who cares anyway, it's not like I'm going to sleep in for like another hour.

But I was wrong. I ended up sleeping for another hour. Now it was 8:30am. Dammit, why did I not snooze my alarm instead, I kept telling myself as rushed to get ready.

It took me approximately five minutes to get change and brush my teeth. I know right, that must be a new record.

I got to the kitchen poured myself a glass of milk and made 2 slices of toast with Nutella spread. I quickly shoved it in my mouth using milk to help me. I'm not always like this, but in situations like this there's no time to waste.

Then I packed my books making sure I didn't forget anything. For a nerd it's very important that I don't forget my resources because that would be like losing an arm or a leg.

I hopped back into the bathroom for one last check on myself. Yep, ready to go. I tilted my head and smiled to my reflection.

All that took me around ten minutes. I know right, I must be on a roll.

Doing the maths it's probably 8:45 now.

It takes me a little more than five minutes to get to school.

I rush to my locker and get my books which takes another 3 minutes because the girl above my locker took ages to get her books, even though she was running late herself.

The music starts playing and it wasn't too bad but then I don't have the time to enjoy it, sadly. I ran as my fast as my little legs could take me.

I finally made it to my classroom, which felt like a million years.

I proudly said to myself.

I made it.

I spotted Alexander in the corner; I sat in the empty spot next to him.

'Hi,' I said between my uneven breathing.

'What happen to you? It looks like you just got chased by a griever,' he smiled.

Did he just make a maze runner reference? He seemed to be getting more relaxed around me, which made me feel happy.

'Something, that's much more scarier, than a griever. I'll tell you later,' I said in heavy breaths. Alexander just raised an eyebrow.

I ended up telling him everything that had happened in the morning. Although I didn't get the response I expected, actually there was no response at all.

'You know you can laugh, I won't be angry,' I told him. Although really I would be pretty pissed. Its just it seems unnatural because he's not even smiling.

'It's just. It seems fun. I've never done anything like it before,' he finally smiled.

At a time like this I would usually be really angry at his response but something tells me that he wasn't trying to annoy me. He was actually being honest which is hard to believe. Although his smile, it seemed to fill with loneliness.

'So you mean, you've never slept in? Never shoved your breakfast down like there was no tomorrow?' I asked him recalling my earlier events.

'Nope,' he replied with a slight chuckle.

I wanted to see his full face. I could only see parts of his eyes because his big, black, mop of hair.

'You know, I think you would look nice with a haircut. Pity to hide those beautiful, blue eyes,' I said and gave him a warm smile.

'Oh,' he said and his face was no different from a tomato.

Feeling the awkwardness I said, 'Not that you look bad now or anything, it was just a recommendation.'

'Of course,' he said.

Wait, did I make things more awkward? Quick Mikasa, change the topic. Oh, that's right.

'Hey, so I was just wondering last night. We're friends right? I mean we hang out together and that,' I told him.

'Really? You really want to be my friend?' he asked

'What century do you think we're in? Of course I want to be friends with you! You're smart, funny and weird but in a good way,' I said standing up now. I pointed at my fingers, each time I mentioned something good about him.

That's when I saw Darren hanging out with his friends.

'Unlike some people who are rude, immature and annoying as hell,' I said and turned back to Alexander.

If Alexanders face was a red tomato before right now his face was a very, very red tomato. If that makes any difference but the point is, he was totally flushed.

I bit my bottom lip.

I've done it, again.


Thanks for reading!

So tell me what you think? I would love to read your feedback.

Oh and I just have to ask. How of you have slept in like Mikasa? I sure have. Any readers out there who have, I totally understand how you feel. Flashback* Gives me goosebumps.

Hmm, everything seems to be going good so far...and you know what that means. Don't think I'm going to spoil anything. HAHAHA.

I'll update as soon as possible so make sure to stay tuned for the next chapter!


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