Undelivered love

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-Chapter 14-

After I had eaten the entire box of delicious cookies Alexander's mum made along with the very cheesy note and yes, I was laughing very hard. I was laughing so much that I had to restrain myself or my mouth would have covered up my entire face and I would no longer have one, no not really. Basically, I was laughing so insanely that Alexander had ended up hanging up on me. Yes it was that bad, Alexander never hangs up on me. Of course I knew he hadn't written the note, it was obvious. Who would write LOL at the end and he knows exactly that I call him by Alexander not Alex.

Anyway back to what I was trying to say, I was thinking of baking come cookies. Yes, like the ones Alexander's mum had made. Although, I needed her to guide me because I've literally never baked anything before, ok maybe I have...does a leftover, yesterday pizza count? I'm guessing not. Hopefully I can pull this off; I'm hoping to give some to Darren as an apology maybe? No, that's not right, I wasn't wrong, he was the one who pranked me! I still wanted to bake cookies though and that's not going to stop me. Alexander's right when you like someone you don't see their flaws, only their beauty.

I decided to call him but I didn't know if he was still upset with me. I mean he had every right to be; I must have pissed him off pretty bad not to mention hurting his pride. Although I decided to give it a try. Call me selfish and all that but I'm still going to call him.

I hold my phone tighter pushing it close towards my ear, like the old granny I am. Pick up, please.

'If you've called to humiliate me then I'm going to hang up,' he said surprisingly calm.

Oh my god, he literally replied! He actually replied! You don't know how happy I am. I'm on my bed rolling around excitedly while making little sound effects like my crush has just picked up...anyway.

'Wait, no! Don't hang up! I called to ask for your help!' I said quickly.

'And what honour do I have in serving you?' he snapped sarcastically.

'Don't be like that. I'm sorry about yesterday, I couldn't help myself. I really am. If it helps then when I finished baking the cookies I'll make sure to give you some on Monday,' I said sincerely.

'You're making cookies? Since when?' he asked and I could just picture him raising his eyebrows.

'Since, today. This is where I need your help,' I replied.

'I'm no help at making cookies; I could always be the taster though. I'm use to it since mum...wait you want me to get mum don't you?' he asked.

'Ah, yeah. Is that okay?' I asked wincing.

'You sure have guts for someone who just apologised,' he remarked.

'I'll give you some cookies,' I said in my sweetest voice.

'You know I eat them like everyday, right?' he replied.

'So you're not going to help me?' I said sadly.

I couldn't blame him. I was laughing pretty badly yesterday, it would have driven anyone nuts.

I heard him sigh over the line. Why does he have trouble saying it, just reject me already.

'Wait a sec, I'll go find her,' was all he said before handing the phone to his mum.

I owe him one. I really do.


I walked to school happily with my bag of cookies. Yes, I was able to successfully bake cookies and remind me to tell Alexander to thank his mum; I would have never done it without her. I made lots of cookies because I had remembered that Courtney would be back today, I miss her so much. There's one big box for us to share and that's when I'll introduce Alexander to her. I also made a smaller box for Darren which I was considering not but I did anyway...I smiled wistfully as I pictured Darren eating my cookies happily. Then a picture of Alexander's lips played in my head, Mikasa what is wrong with you? I felt a bang of guilt all of sudden by imagining another mans lips.

When I got to the gate I spotted Alexander waiting for me and my mouth automatically formed a smile. I slightly blushed remembering the image of Alexander's lips, I'm such a perve. Why am imagining my best friends lips for?

'Morning. How did the cookies go?' Alexander asked snapping me out of my daze.

'Oh, ah they went fine,' I smiled showing him the bag of cookies.

'Good to know,' he replied.

'Were you waiting for me?' I asked raising an eyebrow.

'Of course not, I was waiting for my cookies,' he said and reached for the bag of cookies.

With my quick reflexes I moved the bag of cookies so he couldn't reach it.

'I don't think so. I know you were waiting for me, not the bag of cookies,' I teased and he blushed.

'No I wasn't!' he denied.

'If you want any cookies you'll have to catch me,' I said and stuck my tongue out before I ran off.

I could see Alexander right on my heels, luckily I wasn't a bad runner and he wasn't the most athletic boy there is.

Suddenly while passing some of the older portable classrooms in the school where hardly anyone ever hung out something caught my eye. It was a girl but I couldn't recognise who she was because her back was facing my way. She was making out with...Darren. The girl had straight brown hair with blonde highlights and she wore her skirt a little to high. Courtney would have called her a slut. What pained me most was that Darren was kissing her back, his hands rubbing her leg almost reaching up to her skirt. I couldn't look any longer; the scene was killing me. I forced myself not to cry, Alexander would be somewhere around here. I didn't want to look weak and pathetic.

I used my sleeve to roughly rub my eyes just to be safe. I turned my back bumping into Alexander as I turn a corner. I forced a smile.

'Given in have you?' he asked and took the bag from my hands.

I let go because it didn't matter anymore. Nothing mattered.

He took out the smaller box, the one that was meant for Darren.

'This box must be mine?' he asked raising an eyebrow at me.

I took a glimpse behind the corner but I couldn't see anyone. The picture of Darren and the girl still playing in my head. Now that I think of it, the girl looked kind of similar but then she looked completely different at the same time. Urgh, I must not be thinking straight.

'Yeah,' was all I ended up saying.


Hi guys!

I'm so excited we've past 100 reads on this book!! I feel so happy that lots of people have been reading this book.

I'll really appreciate it if you leave a comment or something like that. If you have any ideas for this book I would love to hear it.

I'll be updating soon because I have quite a shocker for the next chapter, so make sure to stay tuned!

Yellow_Scarf  *-*

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