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Y/n's pov

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Y/n's pov

I entered the detention room which was still empty. Either I was early or maybe I am the only one getting a detention today. Wow. What bad deeds did I ever do to go through such embarrassment.

Never have I ever gotten a detention in my whole student life. Well not anymore. I just want some more people to come here. I don't care about being in detention with others as long as I am not the only one. Please god I will eat all of my vegetables but for this once send some people to save me from facing the teacher alone please please please.

As if god really did hear my pitiful plea; some students entered the room. Thank god!

I knew none of them as they were from other departments and seniors too. It's 5 of us right now and they are more than enough to make me sigh in relief.

Since I was sitting near the door, I could hear some people arguing with each other. I do not want to eavesdrop but they are too loud that I can't help but hear them clearly.

"I'm not sitting here again today! Let me go!" I could hear someone complaining.

"Just for an hour! We can't skip this or Mr. Han won't grade us!" The other guy convinced.

"But why~ You were the one who was talking and got us into trouble! Why do I always get dragged in with you?!"

"Please just this once! I'll treat you to sweet and spicy chicken afterwards! I promise this is the last time!" The other one pleaded.

"...Fine! But not only for today. Treat me for a whole week," the first guy made a deal.

"Deal! Whatever you say," the other one agreed.

With that the two entered the detention room. When they stepped inside, it's as if the heaviness came back as soon as I saw their faces. It's the third time today what the hell!

I took a deep breath to maintain my breathing. They took a seat near the windows which was at the other end. I took a sip of water from my bottle.

Whenever I took a glance at them my head ached more, making me feel nauseous. I folded my arms on the table and leaned down to ease the pain. I was definitely not asking for this.

A Professor came," Yes everyone! Don't make any noise. You are in detention and not supposed to waste time. Take out your books or assignments and study. I'll come to check in between. And if I see anyone creating nuisance then you're welcome to the Dean's office," she warned all of us and went away.

With the queasy feeling I was in no mood to study. Who even would be! So I just opened a book and leaned on it while closing my eyes. Hopefully this can help me feel better.

Those guys, whose name I came to know as Junkyu and Jihoon, were talking continuously despite the Professor's warning. Are they seriously gonna do their complete future planning during detention? Geez chatty brats.

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