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Narrator pov

Void........ a never ending void of darkness that was what was on the mind of the person currently making residence now your probably wondering who this person is (they are a guy by the way) named Ari Shiro a man who had recently died by a truck

Ari pov

You know ever since I got here I've started to wonder what I did wrong in life questioning what I should have done better like maybe I should have regretted pushing that one guy down stairs or tell my parents that F I got but since I'm here I guess I'll never truly know

Ari: Wonder how long I've been here?

???: You have been for about 15 minutes.

Ari: Ah thank you.............. okay who are you?

???: I am the AI that is part of your Gamer System.

Ari: Gamer System..... like what like that Gamer's mind and body type thing I read about?

AI: Yes.

Ari: Okay but why me exactly sure I'm a nice enough I suppose but certainly there are better people for this right I mean.... like that one what was his name um TIM that's right his name was Tim so why not that guy...... unless it was a randomly chosen thing am I right?

AI: For questioning why you were given The Gamer power and finding yourself unworthy of it's potential you have been given 2 points to WIS and 1 point CHA.

Ari: 😅 Okay not expecting that but I guess I'll accept it.

AI: As you have guessed correctly yes the Gamer was passed onto you randomly.

Ari: So meaning anyone could have got it I was the lucky one to get it.

AI: Correct.

Ari: Okay since I'm no doubt stuck with this let's get this tutorial out of the way shall we.

AI: Very well.

What happened next was that a blue screen happened which said do you accept to be The Gamer and had a Y/N which no doubt meant yes or no I then yes as the screen disappeared

AI: Very good now to begin the tutorial say or think Menu.

Ari: Menu.

Then the famous Menu appeared








Quests Log


AI: Now the next part for the tutorial please select The Status Icon by simply touching it or selecting it by doing what you previously with the Menu.

Ari: So let me guess I don't have to go through Menu everytime to see my Status if I say or think what I want from the Menu I can access what inside without going to the Menu right?

AI: For realizing you can quick access the Menu you gain 1 point INT.

Ari: Hehe glad for that I don't have to worry about having to go through the Menu to check or get what I need your the best AI you know that.

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