Chapter 3- secrets (≧∇≦)

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--Lucy's pov--
"Natsu I need to tell you something important." I can feel my cheeks Burning up a little. This was perfect he will so fall for it! I went silent to see how he would react to the prank. Happy had a Camera in the conner of this room and the bed room.

--Flash back to when we got home--

"Happy?" "YA Lucy" "I'm bored, I think I might take a nap with Natsu." "You llllllike him." "No I don't but listen. Let's prank him. How many camers did you bring?" "3" "sweet."

---end of flash back--

His face started to turn red. He looks down at his feet then back up at me. "Guess what?" "What?" He goes quiet then looks up and smiles. He says back "Camera, Camera, Camera" he points to the three Cameras. "Sorry to burst your bubble Lucy!" Hes smile was evil, his eyes glittered in the light. "I win." The next minute I know I'm in a headlock with Happy holding a Camera Recording me. "Natsu stop!" "What's wrong Luce?" He starts giggling like a little girl. "Aahhhhh help me!" He starts tickling me. Then I start giggling like the little girl. He then stops and picks me up on a piggy back. Happy drops the camera. Natsus Face burns up. "It's noth... Nothing happy." He drops me on the ground. "So... Sorry." He storms out the door. "What was that about?" Happys face looked dumber then derpy. "I think I pissed off Natsu." "You did?!" Happy looks at me. "I think Natsu likes you." My face starts to burn. "Wh... What really?" "I don't know." I look at the door. It's slammed shut. "Maybe one of us should check on him?" "You do it!" Happy says. "Ugh." I get up off the floor and make my way to the front door. I look down the road and the the pink haired boy running. "Well." I say to myself watching him. "It's at this moment I knew I stuffed up." Happy says next to me. "That's copy righted." "Aye!"

--Natsus Pov--

Stupid Happy. Why would he do that. I saw the Hand motions he did before he grabbed the Camera. It only took me a while to understand. I wanted to find a tree to climb and sleep in. Behind me I hear the door open. "Well" Lucy's voice echos. "Its at this moment I knew I stuffed up." I nod my head in agreement. "That's copy righted!" "Aye." They sound like besties. I find a good tree. "Perfect." Happy chasing after me carrying Lucy. "Yo!" "Hi?" Lucy's voice was confused. "Sorry about before. I just remembered something." I burry my face into my scarf. I could feel my checks burn soooo badly. Then I place one foot on the tree. And make my way up to a good branch. Lucy followed getting carried by happy. "Natsu you act like a girl on her periods" Lucy giggled to herself. "And you don't?" She stopped giggling. Then I get slapped. "Hey what was that for?" She smiles. "Watch what comes out of your mouth." I sit down on the branch. Lucy does too. "So were do you want to go for dinner?" "I don't know." she gives me a death look. "Sorry you pick." "Fine maccas." I start laughing at her choice. "Better then what You picked." "Oh shut up." I look up to the sun set which the Rays lightly dance on the wood. "It's sunset we should get going." I jump out the tree. I land on my feet. It's right dragons always land on there feet. "Natsuuuuuuuu!!!!" I look up and bam. Yet again Lucy was onto of me. "Luce... Get off me!" She jumps off me giving me a hand to get up. "Sorry. At lest you were there for me to land on." Hold my head down. "Shut up." "Let's go we'll be late!" We go running to the car. Lucy puts on the strap and off we go. "I feel sick." "Hold your head out the window." Happy says. My checks swell up. "I think I'm going to feel sick." "LUCY HURRY UP!"

--- Time skips---

--Lucy's pov--

We finally get to maccas. We walk in and to my suprize Natsu gets a little bit protective. I look in his direction. He's staring at a blond hair person with headphone that have points sticking out of the sides. He turns around. "Oh hello Natsu." He looks even more pissed. "Why are you here Laxus?" "I want her." He points to me. "Your girlfriend." I speck up. "We're not dating." Laxus looks disappointed. "YA were besties." "Then you shouldn't be third place on the date game. He pushes me over. "Ya Laxus piss off." Natsu puts his hand down to help me up. "Sorry about that." We walk over and order. "I'll get a Happy meal. With 6 nuggets." I say. "I'll have a Big Mac." My mouth drops. "Really are you that Hungry?!" "Ya." Then happy speaks. "I'll have a large fries." Almost right after we ordered we get given our food. We walk over and find a table. At first we ate in silences. "So what do you want to do tomorrow?" "I don't know." Happy then speaks. "Why don't we go to flip out?" Whats flip out? Never been there. Natsu almost jumps out if his seat. "Aye." Curiosity killed the cat. "What's flip out?" Everyones face dropped. "It's a place filled with trampolines. It's like the floor and walls are full of them." My face lit up. A place full of trampolines?!" "Really that sounds cool." "It is." Natsu takes a bit out of his Big Mac. With his mouth full, "so what time should we leave?" "Ew Natsu Swallow then speak." He swallows it all down like it was water. "Can we go out again for dinner tomorrow?" "Aye!" Happy says in agreement. I pick up my rubbish leaving the toy unintended. I throw it in the bin and turn around to see Natsu and happy playing with it like it was the best thing ever. It was something from what I think the movie big hero 6. It looked like a small marshmellow." "Come on kids lets go home." I start walking to the exit. My feet are sweeped off the floor. "NATSU PUT ME DOWN!" He runs to the car. "Drive drive drive I wanna go home." I roll my eyes. "Hold on."

I'm planning on posting for these missed days

This one is Thursday
Next ones will be
Wensday (this one might not be posted)

And I'll be away (with no internet yet again)

Everything will be normal ^.^ on Tusday

After I get these chapters up to date everything will be back to normal (sorry :( )

And if u haven't already the story called BOOK (the front cover is Kawaii potato with emo hair that soon will be changed) it will have all my authors notes and stuff. I hope you have that in your libary because it will be updated a lot :/. Soon this I'll be all better and my busy life will soon finish. :) thanks


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