Chapter 6 - truth or dare |( ̄3 ̄)|

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--Natus Pov--

"Natsu give them back!" Lucy keeps jumping for her keys. I look behind me to see Loke going back to the sprit world. I fall back. The keys are forced out of my hands. "Shame Natsu." Lucy says before walking off. I then feel something heavey on my back. "Natsu got beaten by a girl." It's Gray. "Says the one who strips in public." Our heads clash. "You ar......" Yet again the flames of Turtle got in the way. "Not fighting on the trampolines." "Oh Ya Natsu I forgot to say that Wendy and Carla will be here soon." Juiva says with a smile on her face. "That's the reason why were here." Juiva then runs and starts jumping on the trampolines with us. "Sorry we're late!" We turn around the see the blue haired and her white cat run and jump on with us. I feel on the floor from shock. "That was quicker then normal." We look behind her to see Romeo. "Hey Romeo!" Gray says unsure on him coming. "Sorry Wendy invited me to come with her." "It's ok." "Now we're waiting for one more couple." "Who." We all run off doing our own thing. "Hey Shrimp, it's this way." "Oh it's Levy and Gajeel." Gray says. I feel Turtle hiding behind me. "He looks mean." She says. "His Gajeel and the other person is Levy." "I think you should call them 2 GaLe." I look at her. Her green eyes stared back. "So you mean that we should ship them 2 together. Right?" "Aye." I grab her hand and drag her out from behind me. "So everyone, Gajeel, Levy, Romeo and Wendy. This is my little sister, Blaze or as she is known as, turtle. I hope that you all treat her like a fairy tail wizard. Because she's powerful since last time I saw her." Every they all were staring at me. "What about us 2." Lily and Carla say at the same time. "Oh sorry and this is Lily and Carla." I say pointing to the 2 cats. A taller man walks on to the mats and to Turtle. "You shift is over for today." She jumps in the air. "We should go to our house!" Lucy says. "Sure."

--time skips--

"This is it." I hear Lucy say in the drivers seat. I feel my bulky cheeks release the liquids inside of them. "Natsu out side of the car!" I nod my head. "Sorry." We all get out the car. I run over with the house keys and open the house. "Welcome to the cave." Everyone floods into the house. The 2, 3 seater chairs are taken. Gray, Juiva and Turtle on one and Levy, Gajeel and Lucy on the other. I sit on the floor with Wendy and Romeo. "Let's play truth or Dare." Happy says sitting on top on the coffee table with Lily and Carla. "Sure!" Levy Agrees. "Ok Natsu Truth or Dare?" Happy asks me. "Dare!" Happys face looks like his trying to find a good Dare. "I dare you to do the hot Sauce challenge." Lucy grabs one of the 3 cameras. "I'm only doing this so I don't look like a wimp." We make our way to the kitchen. Happy grabs some hot sauce out of the pantry. He pulls out a spoon and puts some hot sauce onto the spoon. "3, 2, 1" I shove the spoon in my mouth. At the start it just felt like Sauce. But then slowly I could feel it burn.

--Lucy's pov--

I was recording Natsu with the hot Sauce. It was the extreme flavor. I know it feels like your gonna die. He puts the spoon into his mouth. His face was normal at the start. Then it starts to shrunch up. Then he starts to jump around. "Hot hot hot!!!" His eyes start to water. "Omg Flame brain did it. No wonder why his brain is full with Ashs." Gray says. Even with Natsus Mouth full of hot Sauce there heads clash. "No fighting on the Trampolines" turtle says then she uses her magic to pull the 2 apart. Then Natsu starts jumping around again. I start to giggle which turns into a hyper Laugh.Wendy and Romeo were killing them selfs Laughing and Juiva was in the conner giggling. Natsu swings open the fridge and pulls out some milk. He tears off the lid and starts Swallowing. Then Levy falls to the ground in tears. Gajeel not far behind her. Natsu runs out of milk so he hunts the fridge again. He some how managed to find a up and go. That disapered within 10 seconds. His face was bright red. It started to slowly calm down. Us all on the floor. Half in tears and one that can't breath. I mange to stand up." You.... Ok..... Natsu." I say between breaths. "Ok next person." He says like if it was nothing. We all go back into the lounge room and take our spots. "Gray truth or Dare?" Natsu Asks. "Um..... Truth." His face Brights up. "Rate each girl in the room hottest to lest hottest." "Natsu!" I hit him. "I want to know." Grays face is bright red. "Hottest to lest hottest. I'm sorry.
Number 1: Juiva
Number 2: Lucy
Number 3: Levy
Number 4: Turtle
Number 5: Wendy
Number 6: Carla"
Juivas Face brights up so much. I hear her whisper in my ear "he thinks I'm the hottest." "I think it's cute he thinks that of you." After all the whispers Gray turns to Levy. "Truth or Dare?" Levys face started blushing. "Truth." "If you had a choice between to Date Natsu or Gajeel who would you date?" Poor levys face went bright red. "Um Gajeel." Now Levys and Gajeels faces were both bright red. "Turtle truth or Dare?" "Dare for the win!" "Tear out a bit of Natsus hair and lick it." To all of our suprizes she walked over and did it. Even Natsu himself was creeped out. "If it comes to a dare I'll do it." "Ok...." She looks at me. "Lucy truth or Dare." "Truth." Her smile was so bad it was scaring me. "Do you like big brother?" I never really thought of us dating. Only in episode 50 but we don't speak of that. Do I like Natsu? I open my mouth to speak.

Cliff hangers 😱😱😱

Do you want to stab me or for me to update because??
Stuff and thangs

This is Wednesday's up date

I only have Friday and Sunday's update then I'll be back on track :)

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