Chapter 7 - The feels (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

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--3 weeks later--

--Pages pov--

Ugh. I want to go home. This beach trip is boring. "Hey Grimm." I turn my head to look at my older brother by 1 year and 11 seconds. We call each other twins even though we're just brother and sister. "Yo?" His sitting on the kitchen bench playing with a steak knife. "We should give the beach trip to someone else. It's not as fun here with out turtle. We should go home." His head shoots up from the knife he was playing with. "I was thinking the same thing." We nod our heads In Agreement. I run out the room were staying in. I press bottom floor. The door opens and I walk my way to reception. Hi I'm Page, the seconded place for winning the Couple contest. I get to the conter and start saying, "I was just wondering who the 4th place winner is because Grimm and I would like to give our seconded place to forth place." I hand in the keys and Grimm has already packed our things already. Grimm who was 15 and me who was 14. He throws my bags into the car and slam the petal. "Let's get outta here." The car moves. "Hey wait for me!"

--Time skips--
The car pulls over in the parking. I pull myself out the Passangers seat as Grimm was already out. We run too flip out. The big gates still in the way. We turn the conner, "Turtle!" She looks at us and smiles. "I was waiting for you guys to say it was boring without me." I was still running over to her. "Oh shut up." I say with a smirk on my Face

--Lucy's pov--

Natsu hasn't talked to me in 3 weeks. I curl up into a ball and slid myself onto the ground. Ugh I shouldn't have said the truth....

--Flash back--

"Lucy truth or dare." "Truth." "Do you like big brother?" I think to myself. Do I like him? I start to open my mouth to speak. "I like Natsu as a friend." Natsus Face dropped. "I thought differently about you..." He gets up and runs out the room. Gray stands up "Natsu wait." He didn't turn back. "I think it's time for everyone to go home." Everyone nodded in agreement. "Thanks for coming." I smile. They all leave taking there cars. "Bye." I wave and walk back inside. And crash on the couch. Natsu likes me?!

-- End of flash back--

I crash my head into the Carpet and start crying. The hot tears fell from my face into the soft texture. I hear a knock at the front door. "Who is it." Theres no Answer. I hear the knocking again. Natus walks out of the bed room. "Hey Lucy." He wakes up like if nothing happened 3 weeks ago. Thank Gosh. "Are you still crying over silly things?" I "shake my head. "No." I walk over to the door and open it. There's Aries standing there. "Hey Aries. Is everything ok?" "I'm sorry." 3 men jump down. One pulls out a bag and throws me into it. Before I land in the bag I watch Natsu get shot in the Arm with a dart. One of the 3 men speaks. "He will be out for a hour. Let's go." It was until the only bit of light left was covered up. I felt a sharp jolt in my head. Next minute I knew I had passed out

--Turtles Pov--

I look at the Girl with black hair and Grey eyes and the boy with black hair and brown eyes. "I need to get going. I need to stop past and my brother a few things at the shops." The 2 look at me confused. "Brother?" "Ya he was also raised up by Igneel. He saved me at one month old." "Ohhhhh ok." "Anyways Wanna come?" The 2 nod there heads. I run out the wear house and into my car, slip on the strap and off we went. "why does everyone leave me behind?!" Page yells from behind. After she got into the car we were off again. I stop past the shops to get milk. I get out the car and run in. And to my suprize to see someone I wished to never see again. "Hey turtle bitch." It was the biggest bully in my primary school. His name is Sean. "Hello Sean" I walk around him. He grabs my collar. "That's not how you treat your elders. I push him away. "No fighting on the trampolines" he go punch me. My whole body goes on fire and I punch back. Our fists touch and he pulls back. "Thats hot, bitch." He runs away. "Don't mess with workers." I put my body out and run to get the milk. I buy it and run back to the car. "Sorry it took me so long, meet a dick from primary school." I put the strap on and off we go. It didn't take me long to get to the small log house. I pull up into the drive way and hop out. The front is wide open. The 3 of us walk up to the front door to see Happy on top of Natsus Body which is lying in the middle of the floor. "Natsu!" I run down and examen his body. "He was shot by a Pass out dart. The effects should only last for an hour. I look at at happy who is still crying. "Happy how long has it been?" "About 50 minutes." I look behind me to Page and Grimm. Grimm helps me lift the body off the floor Into the bed Page ran into the kitchen to grab some ice and water.

--Natsu Pov--

I blink my eyes open remembering what happened to Luce. I feel something cold on my head and 3 people standing around me. I'm on my bed. There's turtle then the black haired boy and girl from before. "Natsu what happened?" Turtle asked. "We're lucy?" I could feel my eyes water up. "Lucy was kidnaped and I was knocked out." "Page you know what to do." The girl with the black hair nods. "Sorry Natsu these are my 2 friends. Page and Grimm. I think you have seen them before. They won the 2nd place in the couple contest." I nod my head. "What do you mean Page you know what to do?" "Page is a dark Dragon Slayer and Grimm uses Dark magic." I pull myself out of bed. "Page can smell really well. Even better then me." Grimm was already at the door. "Let's go already!" We all start running. Page took the lead. They all say she has a good senses of smell so I'll just believe them. We get to the forest. "This way!" She pushes some bushes out the way and we all followed. "We're are we going?" "To the Dark guilds head quarters here." I didn't question anymore. I have trust in someone I just met. The Boy called Grimm was staying a bit behind of us. I was running next to turtle. Page stops. "We're here." "Leave this to us!" I shake my head. "No im helping!" I hear rustling in the bushes. "Hey Tachi, look what I found here!" A tall man and a person a bit taller then turtle stood infront of us.


Page here. I wanted to play a bigger part in the story. Ok so I'll lay this out,

My power is that I'm a dark dragon slayer. I use dark Magic so like YA..... Like every other dragon slayer I have my differences. Mine being I can change my form. But only real people. And only boys. So like if I were to change into Gray Imagen that I would be a female version of Gray with long Black hair in a bra and shorts. So just wanted to get that out.

Grimms power is Dark Magic like mine but his Dark magic posses people and kills them. He like steals souls, (Soul eater >.<) he eats souls to make himself Stronger.

Turtles power is the same as Natsus but she can do this thing like 2 whips made out of Fire that she normaly uses to stop fights.

Sorry about that. Just a bit of back story ^.^

This is Friday's update

Next is Sunday and I think I might do 2 more to say sorry about messing up Upadting times ^.^

-Page out

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