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Just a happy birthday for Cate.

The Upton Family.

The Upton family gives Cate a happy birthday surprise.


•"Mummyyyy, wake up!" Edith says before Cate slowly flutters her eyes open to see her family standing over her with breakfast in bed, "Happy birthday mum!" The kids say before Andrew places a kiss on Cate's forehead, "Happy birthday my love." Andrew smiles, "I love you all." Cate beamed.

•Cate ate breakfast and from that point on the family made sure she was having the best birthday ever, Andrew helped Edith ready for the day and allowed Cate to relax.

•Once everyone was ready the family took a walk around Sydney and got some ice cream during the family walk. Once they got home, the family played a few bored games and spent quality time with each either before Cate got MILLIONS of calls wishing her a happy birthday.

•The calls were from, Sarah and Holland, Sandra and Bryan along with the children, Helena along with her children, Rooney along with Joaquin, Jack Black and more!

•In the afternoon Cate got a surprise visit from her mom and sister which was of course planned by Andrew.

•The family decided on going out to a restaurant for dinner.

•Once they got back home they sat in the living room and Cate's mom took the chance to bring out her photo album to show the children which made both Cate and her sister groan.

•Probably something like, "Mommmm!!! Please no!"
"God! Especially not that one!" & "I swear to God I'm going to burn that book!" (As a joke of course) but the kids are loving every moment.

•By the end of the night the family had fallen asleep in the living room after watching so many movies(I feel like Edith would probably be the first or last to sleep, because she's the youngest so if she had sweets it'll probably take her long to fall asleep than the others.)

•Or maybe Andrew and Dashiell would be the last ones to sleep because they're so busy tucking everyone in.

•Cate loved this birthday and the birthdays before this one and after! And she especially loves her family and she wouldn't trade them for the world, no matter what anyone thinks.

The end.

A/N:It isn't Cate's birthday where I live yet because it's the 13th but Happy almost birthday and happy birthday Cate! We ❤️ you!

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