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Ocean's eight.

Louise Miller, Debbie Ocean, (Y/N), ocean's eight cast.

(Y/N) has been stressing a lot lately.. Lou and Debbie helps her with that.(Yes this is smut, ofc)


The couple Lou and Debbie lays in bed together, cuddling with each other. The two were watching a movie with each other before a sudden knock;that slightly scared Debbie. Interrupted them. Lou pauses the movie before answering to the knock, "Come in!"

(Y/N) comes into the room at the sound of Lou's voice, "One of those nights huh?" Debbie asks and you simply nod, your childhood was a bit rough, and when you got the chance.. meaning, when you graduated college you moved away to New York. You're doing well and you're still in contact with certain family members but there's still things that haunt you in your dreams about your past, you aren't sure how to handle it yet but progress is what matters. The women separate and you took that as a sign;so you climb onto the bed and get into the middle. It wouldn't be the first time you slept in the same bed with Lou and Debbie but each time you got more and more nervous.. I mean, being around them even made you nervous!

Lou and Debbie didn't know, of course, but you have had the biggest crush on them ever since you met them—You didn't know, of course, but both Debbie and Lou were interested in you, they weren't sure if you liked them though so they had to test you at first;Like the many times you walked in on them having sex in the living room, you never stayed but instead you just walked away absolutely flustered. But little did you know, they wanted you to catch them. And, the times when you'd lose your towels so you'd have to run out the bathroom and sprint to your room naked—but it was only when Lou and Debbie were home.. you just shrugged it off as a coincidence. Also, the times when Lou would snatch either your shirt or pants while you were changing so Lou and Debbie could run around the house with it and you'd chase them either shirtless or without pants.

You joined in on watching the movie but eventually you couldn't help but fall asleep.

"Poor girl.. " Debbie whispered;it was moments after you fell asleep, though they hadn't realized that you did fall asleep until they heard soft snores coming from you. Lou hums while she moves your hair out of your face and behind your ear. "I'm tired of waiting Lou.." Debbie softly whines, "Don't tell me you're horny while sweet (Y/N) is in bed with us," Lou smirks still looking down at you while playing with your hair. "You know what I mean, Louise," Debbie says which causes Lou to look up shaping her mouth as an 'o' shape.. Debbie only calls Lou her full name when she upset or serious.

"No more games with her.." Debbie says dragging her finger nails softly up your thigh, "Okay.." Lou mumbles almost trying to hide her eagerness. The two move the cover off of your body causing you to shift around at the sudden temperature change. Debbie moves between your legs and spreads them wider while Lou lifts up your shirt to immediately find you breast, "No bra Debs.." Lou smiled and Debbie looks up at her. "If only she had no underwear.." Debbie mumbles after she slides your shorts off and throws them somewhere to the side.

What the two women didn't know was that you didn't wear a bra on purpose. Hoping that they'd notice your free breast and you'd catch their attention...

Lou kisses and sucks your neck leaving hickeys everywhere for you to wake up to, she soon drags her hand up your stomach before groping your breast. All while Debbie's leaving hickeys on your inner thighs, They were surprised you hadn't woken up yet though they had gotten a few whimpers and moans out of you—Lou moved on to your breast after leaving a good amount of hickeys onto your neck. As Lou took your nipple in her mouth and sucked until the bud hardened between her teeth she then did the same with your other nipple earning a quiet moan from you.

Debbie kissed her way up to your panties, she kisses your clit through your panties before removing them. "God Lou, you're making her so wet," Debbie says before wasting absolutely zero time to please you, "So greedy debs," . Debbie simply smiled against your pussy before she began sucking your clit which earned her a loud moan from you—The brunette greedily slurped up all of your amazing juices while using both of her hands to hold open your twitching thighs.

Suddenly, Debbie ran a finger through your slit, your palms squeezed the sheets as the brunette added a the finger;moving inside you slowly.

The brunette soon added two other fingers but kept her same slow pace while using her thumb to circle your clit. You moaned and slightly arched your back, Debbie fastened her pace, another moan but this time you furrowed your eyebrows. Debbie sat up as her pace had gotten faster and faster—you began slowly waking up as you threw your head to the side against the pillow with a groan.

"Please.." a sudden whisper came from you. Lou was just inches above your face with a smirk, "Please what baby?" Lou asks—"Need.. to come.. please don't stop.." you quietly say as you grind against Debbie's fingers, you weren't fully awake but you knew whatever these two women were doing it felt good and you never wanted them to stop. "Good girl, always asking so kindly," Debbie mutters as you throbbed and clinched around Deb's fingers. "Oh god..." you sighed fluttering your eyes open while opening your legs wider for Debbie. Lou drags her thumb across your lips while you two make eye contact, Debbie suddenly hits your G-spot causing you to moan loudly but Lou covers that moan with a kiss—

"You like that? Hm? My girlfriend's fingers inside of you?" Lou says after removing her lips from yours;you nod. "Dirty girl," Lou chuckles, moving away from your face.

It didn't take long for you to come with a loud moan and tons a curse words added with that moan. "Our baby can squirt.." Debbie says and Lou releases a pleased hum. Debbie removes her fingers and brings them up to Lou's mouth. Lou takes Debbie's fingers into her mouth and moans at the taste of you.

Lou cleans her girlfriend's fingers clean as you watched silently at the pleasant sight.

"You taste extraordinary, darling.." Lou says kissing you while finally removing your shirt, "Baby, can Lou taste you now?" Debbie asks and you nod weakly.

The next day

"Guys!—Bruh what the fuck!!" Nine ball pauses as she finds you three sleeping together... naked.. "What? What's going on— oh my god!" Tammy says in shock coming behind Leslie. The commotion soon wakes you, Debbie and lastly Lou. "Oh, good morning guys," Lou and Debbie says. "Did you two fuck last night?!" Leslie asks. "Nope," you reply. "So.. those hickey's.. what are those?" Tammy question's. "Mosquitoes bites," you told, "I didn't know Lou and Debbie are Mosquitoes.." Leslie smiles leaning against the doorway. "Ugh! Get out!" Lou shouts throwing a pillow. "Alright fine! (Y/N) I'm proud of you baby!" Is the last thing Leslie said before both women left.

The three of you drowned your faces back into your pillows eventually falling back asleep.

That wasn't the end of the little love affair.. the affair soon turned into commitment and a relationship.. the rest of the crew soon found out.. after the heist you three traveled together.. and in the end you were absolutely inseparable..

A/N:Sorry for any mistakes.

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