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A mixture of WandaVision and Don't worry Darling, so spoilers if you haven't watched one or both.

Hela & (Y/N)

You and Hela lived a ordinary and wonderful life in a big house away from the city.. you love Hela and Hela loves you but what happens when Hela begins noticing things out of ordinary and remembering things she isn't supposed to remember..


"Sweetheart! Where are you? I'm home!" You call out and Hela curses to herself, dinner was supposed to be ready before you got home! "I'm here honey!" Hela shouts back before releasing a huff in frustration. You come inside the kitchen going behind Hela and moving her hair aside so you could place a kiss onto her neck, Hela giggles and turns around. "Dinner was supposed to be done by the time you got home.. I'm sorry," Hela says. "There's no need to apologize my love, I'll help you finish dinner!"

"No! I'll make it! You go relax and wait for dinner!" Hela protests and you agree with a sigh placing one last kiss upon her skin before leaving the kitchen and going straight to the shower. Once you got out the shower and finished getting dressed you began heading downstairs when you heard a loud thud, your heart began racing and you rush downstairs to find the basement door open.

You rush into the basement to find Hela kneeling on the floor rushing some papers back into a fallen box. "What are you doing!" You shout still standing on the staircase. "I wanted to look through some old photos of us from our wedding with you after dinner but I couldn't find any!-" Hela began but stops mid sentence.

You take another step downstairs. "What?.."

"What's these notes..? Who's Thor? Who's dangerous?.."

"Hela! It's nobody! Just come back upstairs!"

Hela stands up and faces you continuing to read a note, "Won't remember a thing..." Hela read, "WHO ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!?"

"HELA JUST GO UPSTAIRS YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO SEE THAT!" You rush down the stairs now standing in front of Hela. "What are you hiding from?" Hela says as tears are now falling from her eyes.

You don't say anything you just stare at her in her eyes, her eyes widen and she backs away from you slowly. "Thor..my brother, I'm.. what did I do.. why did you take me!" Hela yells.

"No.." you say grabbing her head and placing your thumbs at her temple's.

Hela's vision goes black.

You sigh and fall to your knees sobbing. You never wanted to hurt her.. keep her as some puppet but if you left her with Thor and the avengers you knew they'd either kill her or keep her in that cell forever and you hadn't been willing to lose the woman you love forever.. so you took-kidnapped her.. and told Thor that you'd go far away and would never come back.. that you'd make sure she won't remember a thing.. and you'd keep her from causing any harm. So Thor allowed you to do so, nobody ever knew that you and Hela had been lovers except him so he told the Avengers that Hela escaped and you went after her to finally kill her but neither of you retuned.. a funeral was held for you after years of no sight of you everyone except Thor believed you and Hela were dead, you still kept in contact with him for many years and yes you did miss your old life but you'd do anything for Hela and you know that'd she'd do anything for you.. you have barely made human contact with anyone for the past few years besides going to the city for food, Hela only knows you and only loves you.. lately she's been remembering a lot which means hell and pain for you but it's the only way..

Hela awakes to you humming and playing in her hair. She looks around to find herself laying in your lap and on the couch, she looks up at you watching tv. "(Y/N)?.. what happened?"

You look down at her and smiled, "You fell asleep while we were watching a movie silly!"

"What about dinner..?"

"We finished that! Your cooking is fantastic!"

"Oh.. I'm sorry my minds been messing with me lately.." Hela states sitting up. "Oh Don't worry, Darling.. it all happens to us sometimes." You smile before placing a kiss on her forehead, Hela smiles and lays back down continuing the movie with you.

You sighed and continued playing in her hair, you didn't know how long you could keep this little play up.. and you didn't know how long it'd be until she began remembering everything again, until you made one small mistake that messes everything up, and you didn't know when the day would be when you wouldn't be able to just hide everything anymore when one day you could be out and about and Hela decides to leave and risk everything! But for now.. and until then.. you sat there and waited.. you enjoyed the life you have with Hela.. just for now..

A/N:I feel like this was short and I should possibly make a part two but idk! Tell me how you guys feel about this! I'm having mixed feelings.

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