Chapter 9

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'Ooo baby I love your way, everyday'

"Omg omg crank the fucking volume right noww" Seth screeched from the back seat beside me. He flailed his arms around in excitement repeating his sentence until Ryder sighed and turned it up very loud for Seth who smiled with joy. H began to belt out the song, not even sounding to bad. Our who family was born with all amazing singing voices which we got from mostly our mom, a little from dad.

We all started laughing and singing along with him. Not even caring who could hear, being in our open orange jeep, everyone could hear us.

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we passed by a few people from school who we knew and waved, them giving a wave and letting out a few hoots and hollers to our singing. We laughed again but continued to sing.

The wind stopped blowing on my face as we pulled up the the bar that our only uncle owned. He gave us free beer and drinks all the time when we were planning things like this.

Jett turned the jeep off and hopped out. Looking back to see if we were coming. We all got out and walked into the back door of the bar. The smell of food and alcohol hitting my senses.

Rick, the guy who works in inventory in the back of the bar walked out of the storage room.

"Hey kids, what have you planned today?"

"Hey Rick. We was gonna go down to the lagoon and need some drinks." Seth replied.

"Oh sounds like a plan. uh, Sam should be in the front."

"Thanks Mike," I kissed him check as I walked by, my brothers giving him a quick salute which Mike gives back to them. boys am I right.

We walk into the front of the bar to see Uncle Sam up on a stool cleaning his shelves. Bottles of alcohol covering the counter.

"Yo uncle Sam, what's good," Jett lightly yelled.

Uncle Sam slightly jumped at our arrival. Whipping his head around to see us.

A smile spread across but grew even wider when he saw me beside my brothers.

" Hello kids. What can I do for you today," H asked as he climbed down his step stool. Setting the rag and spray bottle he had in his hands on the crowded counter.

"Well Uncle Sam. We are going to the lagoon today and was hoping we could get some drinks for later on." Jett said. With a hopeful look towards our uncle.

Uncle Sam let out a loud sigh but nodded his head. A small smile appeared, He was probably remembering all the times he went the the lagoon with dad.

"Ok, But you know my rule, you have to drink responsibly and if you all get to drinking to much, spend the night out there and make sure to tell your father and I got it?" He raised an eyebrow at all of us.

A Summer on the IslandWhere stories live. Discover now