Chapter 12

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I was working in the shop all day till 5. Granny came out to get me and look at my most recent board work which as always she adored and told me I have my mothers gift of painting and seeing things in my own perspective. We went up to the house and had dinner, fresh crab tonight. Uncle Sam came over for dinner too, he's the one who brought the crab for us. We played some card games for a while till dad, Sam and Jett went outside to the back poach to have a beer or two. I decided to go out to my "studio" and paint. It's been a couple days since I was in here to paint but everything was the same.

I grab a container and walk to the side of the house where a barrel of rainwater is sitting and fill the container with it.

I set up my paints and water on the table and sit on my stool. I think for a minute, looking around at some other of my painting for inspiration. Then I get it.

I begin my base layer of a very light blue, covering the whole canvas with it. I let it dry and then start on the next layer and the next. At this point I can see my plan coming together.

It's now getting dark so I can't paint anymore. I clean up my area and throw the water into the grass outside. I close up the hut and head to the beach to catch the sunset.

When I step off the deck my feet are met with the feel of the soft sand. I walk to the edge of the water and sit down. Admiring the colors that begin to form in the sky. Mixing together like the colors on my canvases.

I sit there until the sun goes completely down. Leaving me staring at a dark empty ocean. I begin to think about things. My mind drifts to the boy I met earlier. I think about his eyes, the way they captured all of me just by looking at them, they hold no emotion, a void of nothing in them. His smirk when he made me blush. The way he was built like a god. The tight shirt he was wearing gave me a perfect view of his arms and chest, and I could even see abs through his shirt. His hair makes you want to run your hands through it. So soft and fluffy. I didn't understand him at all. I probably won't be seeing him around that often anyway so no point in trying to figure him out.

I got up and walked to the house.

I walk into Jett's room. It's Time to tell him about Dawson. I've been putting it off for to long now.

I knock once before slowly opening the door. Jett is sitting in his office chair playing Call of Duty. When I open the door he looks up and pauses the game. Removing his headphones and putting the controller down, probably seeing the distressed look in my eyes.

"What's up Chacha," he says softly. Knowing something is eating at me.

"Ok I gotta tell you something, it happened a little while ago. At the bonfire party to be exact," I say as I fidget with my hands.

Anger takes over his features as he quickly stands up and walks over to me.

"Charli, what happened. Who hurt you? I swears to god if you say it's no big deal and something happened I'm gonna lose it."

Ya he's really mad.

"Jett sit down, please."

He huffs as he sits on his bed, patting the spot next to him. So I sit down too.

"Ok don't say anything until I'm done talking ok?"


"Ok. So you know how you all asked me to take Dawson home right? Well I got him home and was bringing him to his bedroom so he could sleep, he uh, his attitude changed, he wasn't how he usually is. He was trying to pull me into his bed with him and h-h-he, he was trying to force himself on me. He pushed me into his door and was trying to kiss me and stuff. I kneed him in the spot in a fit of rage and ran out of the house." I said it all in one breath and took a minute go breathe. "You can talk now."

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