Surprise visit

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Atsushi spends the next couple of days wandering the city and running small errands for some of his coworkers. Ranpoe keeps requesting snacks so Atsushi spends a lot of time running back and forth from the market to the agency, however he's starting to find it boring.

"Dazai, is there any way I could be more useful?" Atsushi questions feeling like he could do more and he's bored.

"Well Atsushi, you could take these files and see they make their way to Akutagawa." Dazai says, handing Atsushi a stack of papers with a smile.

"Ok!" Atsushi says wobbling with the stack of papers for a moment before turning

After walking a couple of meters the realization hits him. He just promised to bring these documents to Akutagawa without having any clue where he is. Thankfully he does know Where Akutagawa lives so that's as good a place to start as any.

~Time skip~

Akutagawa settles down on the couch placing his freshly made Pönnukökur on the coffee table, cutting a small piece with his fork and shoving it in his mouth before looking down at the book he's currently reading. After a couple of minutes of flipping the pages Akutagawa hears a sound near his front door.

Akutagawa walks slowly toward the door on edge not wanting to walk right into an ambush.

"Akutagawa can you hurry? I'm gonna drop all these papers!" shouts a voice from the other side of the door that sounds suspiciously like the weretiger. Akutagawa looks through the peephole before opening the door confronted with quite a sight.

Atsushi is stood right in front of Akutagawa's front door completely surrounded by papers and is still holding quite a hefty stack. A look of complete exasperation on his face before it lights up as he looks up to stare at Akutagawa.

"Finally! I've been standing out here forever!" Atsushi says kneeling down to pick up the scattered papers.

"Jinko... What is all this?" Akutagawa says motioning at all the scattered papers

"Oh yeah, Dazai told me to drop all this off." Atsushi says picking up the last of the papers before standing

"Oh..." Akutagawa says under his breath. Akutagawa heads back inside followed by Atsushi.

The two of them reach the living room and Atsushi walks to the coffee table hoping to finally get rid of the papers. He looks the coffee table over before his gaze stops on the Pönnukökur.

"Did you make that?" Atsushi asks with an excited tone, dropping the stack of papers next to the food.

"Yes, it's a comforting food." Akutagawa says with the hint of a smile playing on his lips before disappearing.

"Can I try one?" Atsushi asks with a smile

"Fine weretiger..." Akutagawa says walking to the kitchen to prepare one for Atsushi.

Atsushi sits down on the couch looking around the room. Literally nothing had changed since he had last been there. He smiles looking in the direction of the kitchen. Atsushi was glad that Akutagawa was warming up at least a little bit.

~Couple minute time skip~

Akutagawa walks back into the living room holding a plate with a freshly made Pönnukökur drizzled with chocolate, sprinkled with powdered sugar and little cut pieces of fruit on top. It looked truly delicious. Atsushi takes the plate in his hands before taking the fork Akutagawa hands to him.

"Thanks." Atsushi says simplie before digging in

Atsushi's eyes widened at the first bite. It looked truly delusions but he wasn't expecting this. After swallowing his fist bite he speaks.

"This is so good! I had no idea you were such a good cook, you honestly don't seem like the type."

Akutagawa just stares down at Atsushi with a smile flitting across his face. After Akutagawa gains control of his face he speaks.

"I guess I don't..." Akutagawa says, staring at Atsushi for a moment longer before sitting down next to him to finish his Pönnukökur.

Atsushi would've thought the silence would be awkward but it's a nice comfortable silence as they sit side by side eating together.

~Time skip~

"I am sorry but it was just so good!" Atsushi says as Akutagawa hands him a Bónus bag with a couple of Pönnukökur inside. Akutagawa simply nods before Atsushi turns and walks out the door, Akutagawa closes the door behind him. As soon as he's alone his face flushes just a bit. What the heck is wrong with him, why is the weretiger being this nice in the first place?!

Once Atsushi is out of the building he puts one hand to head brushing it through his hair with a sigh. He enjoyed himself probably more than he should've. Akutagawa still doesn't like him and probably still plans on killing him.

Atsushi peeks down at the Bónus bag smiling just a bit, he really didn't expect him to be good at cooking. But he's still happy he got to try Akutagawa cooking and was even sent away with some extras.

~The next morning~

"Atsushii~ did you get all those documents to Akutagawa?" Dazai says in a sing song voice

"Yep I was able to get them all to him last night." Atsushi says as he sits down near Dazai

"Is that so... You were hanging out with Akutagawa last night? I do hope you didn't do anything to scandalous Atsushi." Dazai says with a smirk

Atushis face goes completely red before he shrieks

"No nothing like that!" Atsushi puts his hands in front of his reddened face with a groan

"Now now Atsushi im just teasing." Dazai says putting a finger to his chin as he looks at Atsushi who is still completely red, Dazai smirks.

~Time skip~

Akutagawaw glances at his cellphone before coming to the realization that he doesn't have Atsushi's number. Or really anyone's number for that matter but everyone else can wait for the time being. After a couple moments of contemplation Akutagwa settles on just waiting till he sees Atsushi again to ask for his cell number. With a sigh he pockets his cell again and walks toward the warehouse.

An explosion is heard followed by a couple of screams. Akutagawa reaches the warehouse and turns a corner of the building to find the entrance to the warehouse. Smoke is billowing out the front entrance but Akutagawa still goes in.

Akutagawa hears another scream followed by a cackling laugh. Akutagawa turns squinting in the smoke and makes out the figure of a girl unfortunately he can't tell who she is due to the smoke. He summons rashomon readying for a fight. However the girl turns and leaps up onto one of the beams at the top of the warehouse. Akutagawa follows suit not wanting to lose her, however the smoke is even worse higher up. Akutagawa sees a figure leap through a window and rushes to the window not wanting to lose her. Once he's in the clearer air he blinks a few times trying to adjust his eyes. He turns ready to pursue the girl but she's gone, only a simple paper left on the ground.

Akutagawa walks toward the papers before kneeling to pick it up. He picks up the papers cautiously before turning it to see some writing on the other side. Akutagawa scans the page, his eyes widening at the words.

Oh what a lovely cliffhanger chapter. Can't wait to see what the next chapter brings. Hopefully I can get it out super soon, however over the course of this last week I've been having some serious health issues so I can't make any promises but I'll try to get it out as soon as I can.

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