In the rain

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Atsushi is seated across from Dazai, his hands wrapped around a warm cup of tea.

"So we're waiting for Akutagawa then?" Dazai says with a cocky grin

"Just tell me when he enters!" Atsushi says sounding a bit flustered

Dazai pauses his eyes drifting away from Atsushi to the door as the bell to the door jingles.

"Right on time." Dazai says looking back at Atsushi who has completely turned to face the wall.

Akutagawa makes his way toward their table. He nods at Dazai before taking a seat next to Atsushi.

"Did Jinko already explain everything?" Akutagawa asks, looking up at Dazai.

"Yep, so let's see if we can get you two back together!" Dazai shouts a little louder than needed. Atsushi's face reddens, so he tries to cover it by putting his hands in front of his face. Akutagawa looks unfazed.

Dazai reaches out his hand and touches Atsushi's wrist he closes his eyes activating his ability. Atsushi closes his eyes as well, waiting for the process to be over. After a couple of moments Dazai opens his eyes again telling Atsushi to do the same.

"Do you think it'll be fine this time?" Atsushi asks before daring to take a glance at Akutagawa. Dazai nods so Atsushi tentatively turns, staring directly into Akutagawa's eyes. The two keep their eyes locked for a moment before Atsushi breaks glancing down.

"Well the two of you seem fine, enjoy your lunch lovebirds!" Dazai says before scampering away to who knows where. Atsushi watches him disappear. Dazai can truly be a weird man sometimes...

Atsushi turns back to look at Akutagawa squinting, Akutagawa stares back a look of what seems to be amusement on his face. Neither says anything for some time until Atsushi can't handle the awkward silence any longer and speaks.

"Well everything seems fine now..."

"Mhm..." Akutagawa picks up a stirring spoon from next to his coffee and with a plop drops the end of the spoon into the piping hot beverage. He looks back up to stare at Atsushi, one elbow on the table so he can lean into his hand the other stirring the drink, a wistful expression on his face. Atsushi smiles back at Akutagawa, the two of them sit in silence once again, however the atmosphere is different now...

~Time skip~

Atsushi looks down at the wet ground watching water droplets plop into a puddle next to his feet. A smile plays on his lips as he continues to watch the water. Someone steps by him stepping into the puddle making the water splash up, Atsushi looks up to see that the light has changed, Atsushi takes a step forward avoiding the puddle as he makes his way across the street with an umbrella in hand.

Atsushi turns, keeping his eyes on the ground as he walks. Raindrops begin to hit his face as the wind changes its direction he blinks trying to get the water out of his eyes as he takes another step forward. Atsushi takes another step forward before running into someone, he begins to apologize looking up before realizing who it is he had just run into.

Atsushi's face begins to heat up, a slight pink spreading across his cheeks.



"I didn't think I would see you till the next mission."

"Heh well guess not." Atsushi says, looking up to Akutagawa's face with a slight smile.

"Soo... Akutagawa, where are you going?"

"I was just going to go to the cafe down the street."

"Nice, which one." Atsushi says, turning to look behind him, almost hitting Akutagawa with his umbrella.

"OH! I'm so sorry!"

"Maybe it would be better if I held that..." Akutagawa says, extending his hand towards Atsushi so he can take the umbrella.

"Probably..." Atsushi says handing over the umbrella while looking down at the ground in embarrassment. After an awkwardly silent long moment Akutagawa speaks, pointing in the direction behind Atsushi.

"The cafe I'm heading to is right there, if you would like to accompany me?"

"Well if that's alright?"

"Yes! Oh... Yes uh hum you can come along." Akutagawa looks down at his feet with mild embarrassment before starting to walk towards the cafe Atsushi by his side.




Dazai is sitting on a bench holding an umbrella in one hand a book about how to committee the perfect double suicide in the other. He lets out a sigh looking up from his book. Where could his beloved Chuuya be? He turns to look behind him and sees quite a peculier sight.

"My my~"

"What is this we've got here? A date? Looks like it." A smirk makes its way across Dazais face as he watches an embarrassed Akutagawa and an equally embarrassed Atsushi enter a quaint looking cafe.

"Oi!" Dazai turns back to see Chuuya who looks completely soaked.

"You're late." Chuuya grimaces

"Yeah and whose fault is that?"

"Yours," Dazai says bluntly before standing and walking closer to Chuuya, a smile playing on his lips.

"Let's go." Chuuya says as they begin to walk Dazai tilting the umbrella so it can cover Chuuya.

I know this is so short for how long you had to wait but something came up that has been taking most of my free time. I do have more planned for this story however I want to let you all know that due to some upcoming events the likelihood of being able to post any new updates before mid August is slim. I might be able to get one chapter out in July that's about the same length as this chapter, however don't expect any updates until August.

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